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Description:The ULTIMATE minesweeper game by Lorens Younes), MorphOS port by Stefan Haubenthal.
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: The ULTIMATE minesweeper game
Author: lorens@hem.passagen.se (Lorens Younes), port by uploader
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Version: 3.2

The reason to run Windoze just became a reason to buy an Amiga.
This is the most feature loaded minesweeper on any platform, and
it's only available for Amiga users.

Special features:
- 3 difficulty levels and an optional level.
- Sweep all or sweep path.
- Automatic lock.
- Automatic opening (0-10%).
- Warnings.
- Smiley button for new game.
- Ten high scores for each difficulty level.
- Lots of colors if you have version 3.0 or higher of the OS.
- Font sensitive.
- Can open its window on any public screen.
- Opens even on an NTSC 640 x 200 display.
- Supports locale.library.
- Documentation in AmigaGuiode format.
- Installation script for C= Installer makes it easy to install.

Try it, and you'll throw any other minesweeper game in the Trashcan

Upload Date:Aug 18 2016
Size:120 KB
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