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Description:FCEU emulates the classic Nintendo Entertainment System/NES/Famicom game console.
Developer/Porter:Kelly Samel
Short: Nintendo NES / Famicom emulator
Author: Kelly Samel (realstar@shaw.ca)
Uploader: Kelly Samel (realstar shaw ca)
Type: misc/emu
Version: 1.8b
Architecture: ppc-morphos

FCEU-MorphOS v1.8b

FCEU emulates the classic Nintendo Entertainment System/NES/Famicom
game console. FCEU currently has great compatibility, sound support,
save ram and save state support. It also supports Famicom Disk System
games and runtime IPS patches.

FCEU can be launched via custom MUI interface or command line.
TAB key opens save state manager.


- Version History -
v1.8b March 18, 2020
- Small bugfix to the overlay modulo value to fix corrupted gfx

v1.8 March 10 2020
- Added some options to sync the audio better with the display
- vsync uses WaitBOVP instead of WaitTOF now
- New Sound Config window to set some options related to sound output
- Updated 6502 cpu core and sound rendering to latest fceux versions
- Enabled High Quality sound rendering mode
- Added a quick menu for changing FDS Disk sides in windowed mode
- Added a rom list cycle filter for .NES and .FDS images

v1.7 April 25 2018
- savestate window handled by mui notifications
- updated to latest version of support functions
- fixed a memory hit when saving a screenshot
- updated video mode selection system
- correct aspect ratio and centering of video frame in scanline mode

v1.6 February 10 2015
- updated emulation core to fceu_mm latest svn build
- updated all mappers to latest fceux versions
- fixed mmc5 register $5130 emulation
- Legend Of Link rom hack now works
- doubled sound output
- fixed a file requestor crash

V1.5 December 25 2014
- added preview screenshot in main window
- added preview thumbnails to savestate manager
- modified visible area to match an average tv display with overscan
- filename filter added to dir listing (NES|FDS)

V1.4 October 11 2013
- Improved screen display offsets
- New input configuration panel
- XBox 360 gamepad support via sensors.library
- New save state manager panel
- Many other bug fixes and improvements

V1.3c July 11 2013
- Rewrote display init stuff to work better on G5 and laptops
- Screen borders are properly blanked on all settings
- Display is properly centered in scanline+overlay+fullscreen

V1.3b July 6 2008
- Compact prefs setting now saved on exit
- Fixed a few remaining MUI color issues

V1.3 July 5 2008
- Fixed MUI colors to work with most configs
- Shortened the commodity description line
- Clones Ambient resolution in full screen + Overlay mode
- Audio channels allocated only while emulation is running
- Added compact gui mode
- Added BG pattern toggle
- Added video sync option
- Borders filled black in fullscreen mode
- Cleaner sound channel termination
- Alternate gfx set by Christophe Delorme added in archive

V1.2b November 26 2007
- Fixed double entries in romlist on initial startup

V1.2 November 23 2007
- ntsc/pal setting can be used from cli
- Joypad prefs function in cli mode now
- Rom path is refreshed upon initial startup
- Iconify changed to respect executable name
- Enabled 2 player support for joypad on port 2
- Fixed NULL filename problem (FDS related)

V1.1 November 5 2007
- F12 key mapped to reset NES
- FDS support added (F6 selects disk) and F8 (ejects/re-inserts)
- "Cattou Ninden Teyandee" english patched version of rom works now
- Added NTSC/PAL video mode selection
- Added Joypad/Gamepad button config option
- Added runtime IPS patching support
- Program iconifies with program icon instead of default tool
- Default rom path can be changed in the interface now
- Added some alternative program icons that fit "panel" better
- Stripped binary for smaller file size

V1.0 October 31 2007
- Initial Release!


FCEU MorphOS port by Kelly Samel, FCEU may be freely distributed
according to the GNU public license. For information on original
developer's see file "AUTHORS" in archive.

Contact: realstar@shaw.ca
fceu-morphos site : http://realstar.neocities.org


Upload Date:Mar 19 2020
Size:746 KB
Last Comments