About: Scube is a simple application used to demonstrate one of new features available in MorphOS 2.0 tinygl.library. It displays opened screens on sides of 3D cube. Each screen is updated in realtime (this feature doesn't work yet with new, 3D layers). It will not work with 8 bit screens. In general it's pretty limited (works best ith screens of same resolutions) and useless. Just an eyecandy. Usage: After starting it up, use Ctrl+Tab to start it. Hold Ctrl key. Pressing tab will cycle between screens. Mouse can be used to freely rotate the cube. Releasing Ctrl will bring the screen on frontmost side to front. Source: Sources will be available as soon as i prepare TinyGL SDK so they can actualy be built. History: 1.0 - initial release 1.1 - removed workarounds for slightly broken OpenGL implementation from MorphOS 2.x Author: Michal 'kiero' Wozniak wozniak_m@interia.pl Enjoy.