PolyOrga 1.26a Reminder: always do a backup of the "Orga.data" database before start a new version. WARNING: the update is manual, you must only copy "PolyOrga" program if you don't do a full copy of the main directory. Other solution is to copy Orga.data from your install inside the content of this Lha. This version have new icons set. Don't copy "images" directory without have a backup or rename the directory! New features: Renew of the search window that include the links of a found item. For old changes, see Changes.txt Note that this software is provided without any warranty. Use it at your own risk. New icon from Freepik: https://fr.freepik.com/icone/tache_2098402#fromView=search&term=task&page=1&position=0&track=ais Good usage Frédéric "Polymere" Rignault