Short: Ansi HTML Adapter Author: (Alexander Matthes) Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal) Type: text/misc Version: 0.5 Architecture: ppc-morphos; m68k-amigaos aha - Ansi HTML Adapter ======================= Converts ANSI escape sequences of a unix terminal to HTML code. ![aha screenshot](/screenshot.png?raw=true "aha screenshot") Examples ======== * `aha --help | aha --black --title "the awesome aha help"> aha-help.htm` * Creates an HTML file of the help of aha with black background * `colordiff oldfile.c newfile.c | aha > colordiff.htm` * Creates an HTML file with a colorful diff-output of two files "oldfile.c" and "newfile.c" with white background * `ls --color=always | aha --pink > ls.htm` * Creates an HTML file with a colorful ls-output with pink background. * `echo q | htop | aha --black --line-fix > htop.htm` * Creates an HTML file with the output of htop. You have to use --line-fix due the other new-line-commands htop uses. * `MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 COLUMNS=80 man aha | ul | aha > man-aha.htm` * Creates an HTML file with the man page of aha. Man uses nroff's bold and underline, which ul converts to SGR. Compilation / Installation ========================== Aha has no dependencies except for a C compiler and `make`. To compile just type `make`. To install aha to `/usr/local/` type `make install`. You can change the installation directory with `make install PREFIX=/your/path`. You can override the man directory with `make install MANDIR=/your/path/man` Licensing ========= All files are subjects to the LGPL2+ or the MPL1.1 (Dual licensed).