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Description:A little kit to make your own decks for the games HLE Poker Card, BlackJuan and Siete y Media
Developer/Porter:J.C. Herran Martin
This is a little kit to make your own decks for the games:
- HLE Poker Card (High-Low-Equal Poker Card).
- BlackJuan.
- Siete y Media.

How do your own decks?
Very easy, here you can find the card boxes in PNG with alpha transparency
to make your own decks with your pictures, you can find the templates
inside the Templates drawer.

Cards with a size of 53x82 with CardBoxes01.png and cardBoxes02.png
Cards with a size of 60x92 with CardBoxes03.png and CardBoxes04.png
You can find three cards as example of sizes.

The total cards are 54 in four suit of cards with a name and number of
Carta01.png until Carta52.png plus the cover card called CartaBack.png, in
total 53 cards.

Also you can make the cards CartaJoker.png and JokerExtra.png.

To see and test your cards your cards, you have the tool TestDecks, this
tool is made to test and show the 53-55 cards, only it needs the plugin
zip.hwp from Hollywood installed in your system.

When you have finish your deck, compress the 53 or 55 cards inside of
zip file without password protection and with the name that you want.

Upload Date:Feb 09 2023
Size:2 MB
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