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Description:PolyOrga is a general-purpose tool to manage events, contacts and tasks.
Developer/Porter:Frederic Rignault
PolyOrga 1.25

Reminder: always do a backup of the "Orga.data" database before start a new version.

WARINIG: the update is manual, you must only copy "PolyOrga" program if you don't do a full copy of the main directory.
Other solution is to copy Orga.data from your install inside the content of this Lha.
This version have new icons set. Don't copy "images" directory without have a backup or rename the directory!

New features:
Button in Tasks for create a new event with the name of the task (due date copy too if exists)
Stamp button in edit windows for add date and custom text inside notes.
Icons on main window have size settings in prefs. You can't change from 24 pix to 128 with list to avoid mouse wheel to "explode" icon size :)

New "flat" icon set for the bar.
Double start Orga, show first instance instead of pop a fail message in a shell.

Major Fix:
Issue with more than 16 links.
Links when remove something.
Some memory leaks and free.

For old changes, see Changes.txt

Note that this software is provided without any warranty. Use it at your own risk.

New icon from Freepik: https://fr.freepik.com/icone/tache_2098402#fromView=search&term=task&page=1&position=0&track=ais

Good usage
Fr�d�ric "Polymere" Rignault

Upload Date:Nov 09 2023
Size:749 KB
Last Comments