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Description:Gives you a popular Notch in Screen Title.
Developer/Porter:Matthias Böcker
Short: Gives you a popular Notch in Screen Title
Author: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Uploader: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Version: V1.2
Type: util/wb
Requires: MorphOS 2.0
Website: http://amigazeux.net

What is it?
Notch is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS.

Notch displays a very popular and configurable Notch in the screen title.

Notch brings a very modern and state of the art feature of modern operating systems and
hardware to MorphOS: The Display Notch. Thus making MorphOS this not so tiny amount more
modern than comparable operating systems that do not feature a Notch.

Besides being fashionable the Notch adds more viewing area. Yes it is true, mathematically
it is not much but optically it makes the viewing area appear larger. Ask any Smartphone
user who currently takes advantage of a Notch to have the former assumption firmly

If you are wondering what Notch does: It does nothing besides displaying a very modern
Notch in your screenbar title. There is no hidden functionality (yet).

- MorphOS 2.0 or higher

Double-Click the Install icon and Notch.sbar will be installed to your system.

For manual installation simply copy the contents of the "Copy_To_Sys"
drawer to your SYS: partition.
Enter in a Shell: copy ram:Notch_sbar/Copy_To_Sys/#? to SYS: ALL

Now click with the right mouse button on the screen depth gadget to open its context menu,
go to "Modules" and select "Refresh". Notch should now appear in the Screen title bar.
If it does not appear open the context menu again, and go to "Modules" again and select
Notch from the modules shown there.

In order to make the Notch appear centered on the screen title bar you have to rearrange the
order of the already installed screenbars and hope you have enough running that there is
enough space avaiable that dragging Notch.sbar to approx. the middle of the title is even
possible. But once you have achived all this it truly looks great.

V1.2 - 20.01.2021
- Fixed a use-after-free bug in library code that could cause all kinds of problems. A big Thank You to Thomas Igracki for fixing and proving the multilibrary ecx module!

- Prefs image/object handling was wrong and could lead to crashes. Fixed.

V1.0 - 25.11.2018
Initial release

Thanks to:
Leif Salomonsson for ECX :-)

MorphOS-Team for MorphOS :-)

Apple for inventing the magnificent Notch!

-- #amigazeux

Upload Date:Jun 16 2023
Size:44 KB
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