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Description:Display Mouse coordinates in screen title.
Developer/Porter:Matthias Böcker
Short: Display Mouse coordinates in screen title
Author: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Uploader: #amigazeux, Matthias "UltraGelb" B�cker (amigazeux@gmx.net)
Version: V1.4
Type: util/wb
Requires: MorphOS 3.0
Website: http://amigazeux.net

MouseCoords is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS.

The most obvious feature of MouseCoords is its display of the mouse coordinates in the
screen title. It also displays information about windows/layers when moving the mouse over them.
Furthermore it offers an easy way to measure distances on the screen in pixels by either holding
the left or middle mouse button, an optional set of qualifiers and a pixel distance threshold.

Everything is fully configurable.

Changes in this version:
- Window titles of the window currently under the mouse pointer weren't shown anymore in the info window. Fixed.
- Also shows information about the screen, the monitor and the skin in the info window. See pull open button at the bottom of info window to access these informations.
- Shows more details for the window under the mouse pointer in the info window like shadows and current pointer type.
- Now only displays and updates coords for the instance running on the screen the mouse pointer is on.

Double-Click the Install icon and MouseCoords_sbar will be installed to your system.

For manual installation simply copy the contents of the "Copy_To_Sys"
drawer to your SYS: partition.
Enter in a Shell: copy ram:MouseCoords_sbar/Copy_To_Sys/#? to SYS: ALL

Now click right click the screen depth gadget to open its context menu, go to "Modules"
and select "Refresh". MouseCoords should now appear in the Screen title bar. If it does
not appear open the context menu again, and go to "Modules" again and select MouseCoords
from the modules shown there.

If you want to create a catalog in your native language please have a look at the
catdev drawer contained in the archive.
I highly recommend to use SimpleCat by Guido Mersman. Using SimpleCat you just have to
update the .cs file with your language and then simply generate a corresponding catalog
file from this. You may mail me the catalog for inclusion in future updates or simply
release it yourself.

Open the context menu of the screen depth gadget and select the "Settings ..." menu
item. Select MouseCoords from the list in the window that just opened to configure this

Colour: Set the colour for the labels displayed in the title bar.
Use default colour: Use the default text colour for labels. This disables the Colour
X-Label: Specify the text that is displayed in front of the X coordinate
Y-label: Same as X-Label but for Y.
Bold: Print the label texts in bold.

Text Colour: Set the colour for text displayed in the title bar.
Use default colour: Use the default text colour. This disables the Colour setting.

Origin at 1:1: By default MouseCoords displays the coordinates with an origin of 0:0.
With this option enabled the origin will be at 1:1

Mouse Distance:
In this group you can enable and disable the Mouse Distance feature of MouseCoords.
The activation method can be specified by these options:

- Select if either the left or the middle button needs to be pressed. The right mouse
button is intentionally left out since it clashes with the way intuition menus are
activated and handled.

Mouse Move Threshhold: Here you set the number of pixels the mouse pointer needs to
be moved before the Mouse Distance Window is opened. This can
range from immediate (1 Pixel) to a mind numbing 1000 pixels.

Qualifier: This ensemble of checkmarks makes it possible to specify exactly
which qualifier keys need to be pressed in order to open the
Mouse Distance Window additonally to the above mentioned
activation methods. Please note that all qualifiers specified
must be pressed at once to trigger.

Distance Marker: In addition to the Distance Window it is also possible to have
MouseCoords draw a line or an arrow between the start and end
points of the distance measurement. This is done with this cycle
gadget. Please note that this option needs 3D-Layers/Compositing
to be enabled.

Thanks to:

- Leif Salomonsson for ECX :-)

- Guido Mersmann for SimpleCat

- Rob Cranley for InstallerGen

- MorphOS-Team for MorphOS :-)

- Philippe Rimauro for the french translation

In case you like this screenblanker please consider a donation to #amigazeux at:



IF you want to contact the author please write an email to amigazeux@gmx.net or visit
irc.amigazeux.de channel: #amigazeux

-- #amigazeux

Upload Date:Mar 21 2022
Size:74 KB
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