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Description:Demo program for office.mcc
Developer/Porter:Carsten Siegner
Short: Demo program for office.mcc
Author: Carsten Siegner < carstensiegner@dg-email.de >
Uploader: Carsten Siegner < carstensiegner@dg-email.de >
Type: dev/mui
Version: 1.3
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.12
Replaces: dev/mui/Office_Test_1.2.lha

This is a simple test program designed to show how flexible the office.mcc can be.
It shows that office.mcc can be a stringgadget or word processor.
It supports 100% Unicode.
Even Chinese, Japanese or Hindi text can edit it (take a look at the screenshot).

Version 1.2:
New are the in / export libraries for RTF and PDF files.
The PDF format is now 100% supported.
New additions to the PDF export include metadata (title, author ...), page titles, hyperlinks and the PDF table of contents.

Version: 1.3:
In this program version export libraries for ODT and EPUB have been added. Furthermore you can print now.

Version 1.0:

+ First Public Version

Version 1.1

+ Need MorphOS 3.12
+ Multipage office mui class

Version 1.2:

+ Read RTF files
+ Write RTF files
+ Write PDF 1.5 files

Version 1.3:

+ Write ODT files
+ Write EPUB files
+ Postscript printing support
Upload Date:Oct 25 2019
Size:681 KB
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