Readme: | MorphOS Port ************
This is quick port of OpenDune by BeWorld
About ----- OpenDUNE is an open source re-creation of the popular game "Dune II", originally made by Westwood Studios, and released by Virgin Entertainment. It attempts to re-create the original game and apply modern technology to it to allow it to be run natively on most operating systems.
OpenDUNE is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. For more information, see the COPYING file included with every release and source download of the game.
Contact ------- The latest version of OpenDUNE is always available at: The latest development version is at: Our IRC (chat) is at: irc:// You can report bugs at: Our wiki is at:
Supported Platforms ------------------- OpenDUNE is written in ANSI C (C89), and only requires SDL/SDL2 to run. In result, OpenDUNE should run on all platforms supported by SDL or SDL2. Currently we officially support the following platforms:
- Linux - FreeBSD - Mac OS X (PowerPC or Intel i686 / x86_64, 10.4+) - Windows (i686 / x86_64) - Atari TOS (68030+ CPU, TT and Falcon machines supported)
Requirements ------------ OpenDUNE doesn't require any library to run on Windows. For Mac OS X we make so-called static-compiled binaries, which means all libraries it depends on (mostly LibSDL) are already included in the binary, and no action is required on your part For Linux/FreeBSD, you need to install LibSDL yourself. It is available in every package manager, and the chances are high it is already installed on your system. In order to use sounds and music on Linux, you need a working ALSA driver. OpenDUNE also supports OSS and PulseAudio for digitized sound output. Music is sent to MIDI Out port of Atari machines. It is also possible to build with Munt MT32 emulator to have MT32 music : Windows users should just install the mt32emu_win32drv and the right MIDI device will be selected when mt32midi option in opendune.ini is on. Linux/FreeBSD users should install munt on their system and rebuild.
Installation & Running ---------------------- Extract OpenDUNE. Copy the original Dune2 1.07 data files (including dune2.exe) to data/. All three existing versions of the Dune 1.07 data files (eu, hs and us) will work, but only with the eu/hs data files the French language will work, and only with the eu data files the German language will work. Start 'opendune'.
Additional options may be specified using an opendune.ini file located in the data/ directory, in the current directory or in %APPDATA%\OpenDUNE (on Windows) or ~/Library/Application Support/OpenDUNE (on Mac OS X) or ~/.config/opendune (on Linux/FreeBSD). All options must be in an [opendune] section.
Available options are : - language : english / french / german - datadir : directory where Dune data files are - savedir : directory for Dune personal data files (savegames) - scalefactor : 1 (no upscaling), 2 (default), 3, 4 - scalefilter : nearest (default), scale2x, hqx - framerate : maximum frame rate (60 FPS default) - fullscreen : 0(default)/1 starts the game in full screen mode if possible - mt32midi : 0(default)/1 send MT32 init, use .XMI files - mt32rompath : directory containing CM32L_CONTROL.ROM/CM32L_PCM.ROM files for Munt MT32 emulator.
debug options (for developpers) : - dune2_enhanced : 0 = game acts like the original Dune II, including bugs 1(default) = enable OpenDUNE enhancements - debug_game : 0(default) = normal game behavior 1 = The player can control the AI - debug_scenario : 0(defaut) = normal game behavior 1 = The player can review the scenario. There is no fog. The game is not running. The player can click on tiles. - debug_skip_dialogs : 0(default) = normal game behavior 1 = skip all intros and go immediately to house select. - debug_log_game : game record / replay 0(default) = off 1 = record game to 'dune.log' 2 = playback game stored in 'dune.log' - startport_unit_cap : 0 = Allows to overflow unit limit using starport (default) 1 = unit limit is enforced in starport
Ingame ------ The Game controls are the same as DUNE II. Usually, the first letter is a keybard shortcut, for example B for build, Q for quit, etc. F1 - open Mentat Screen F2 - open the option menu F3 - open the menu of the selected structure (construction yard/factory/etc.)
A few key controls are added in OpenDUNE, available depending on the platform : F8 - Toggle FPS display CTRL-ENTER or F11 - Toggle full screen
Enhancement over Dune2 ----------------------- See enhancement.txt.
Known Bugs ---------- If the digitized sound output does not work for some reason, you will very likely be stuck in the house selection screen. Because when you click on the house button, a voice is played, and the game waits for the voice to finish. Please check your sound output options.
Changelog --------- See changelog.txt.
Credits ------- The OpenDUNE team (in alphabetical order): Albert Hofkamp (Alberth) - Refactoring Dude Loic Guilloux (glx) - Windows Guru Patric Stout (TrueBrain) - Lead Developer Steven Noorbergen (Xaroth) - Lead Manager Thomas Bernard - Developer
Thanks To (in alphabetical order): Szabolcs Nagy (nsz) - ANSI C Guru Ingo von Borstel (planetmaker) - For his many bug-reports tneo - For his many bug-reports David Wang (wangds) - For his many patches and bug-reports
Bug Reporters - Thank you all for all bug reports Westwood - For an amazing game