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Description:AMOS sprite and icon bank viewer.
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: AMOS sprite and icon bank viewer
Author: mequa2@yahoo.com (Mequa Innovations)
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type: gfx/show
Version: 0.06alpha
Replaces: gfx/show/abkviewer.i386-aros.zip
Architecture: i386-aros; ppc-morphos

AbkViewer 0.0.6 for AROS and MorphOS

This is a rewrite of AbkViewer for AROS and MorphOS in ISO C90 using
AmigaOS libraries, and compiled with AmiDevCpp. (It should also build for
AmigaOS 3.x with Cybergraphics libraries, however I haven't been able to
find the required linker libraries.)

This AROS/MorphOS port from the Java original is almost fully working, but
still quite slow.

Work-in-progress included in the ZIP archive with C source, AROS and
MorphOS binaries, original .jar version and example .abk files.

Uploaded using: archives.aros-exec.org

Upload Date:Nov 24 2018
Size:127 KB
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