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Description:A ZIP packer / unpacker with GUI.
Developer/Porter:Carsten Siegner
Short: ZIP (un)packer + en-/decrypter with GUI
Author: Carsten Siegner <carstensiegner@dg-email.de>
Type: util/arc
Version: 3.5
Replaces: util/arc/InstantZip_3.4.lha
Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 3.10

InstantZip support packing and unpacking of ZIP archives.
It support AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 encryptian / decryptian.
It support Pkware decryptian.

Version 3.0:

+ First release
+ Unpack encrypted archives
+ pack / unpack ZIP archives
+ Shell interface
+ Drag'n Drop

Version 3.1:

+ Encrypt / decrypt files
+ Error requester

Version 3.2:

+ based on libzip 1.3.0
+ Support of Bzip2 compression
+ New: includet text and picture viewer
+ Add whole directorys to archives

Version 3.3:

+ The Button "add File" is a multi ASL Requester now
+ New XAD Support
+ More gaugs
+ Create whole directory trees if selected
+ fix bzip2 compress level
+ support of z.library

Version 3.4:

+ Use the libexif to generate thumbnails from jpeg pictures
+ Movie preview

Version 3.5:

+ Create .lha archive

Upload Date:Apr 16 2018
Size:201 KB
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