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Description:RNOAnim is a compact animation player that also has some conversion and editing functions. It supports IFF, GIF, and AVI (uncompressed/MJPEG) anims internally, but also allows a wide range of other formats via plugins and datatypes.
Short: Animation player, converter, and builder
Uploader: jpv@morphos-user.com (jPV^RNO)
Author: jPV^RNO
Type: gfx/show
Version: 1.2
Architecture: ppc-morphos


RNOAnim is a compact animation player that also has some conversion and
editing functions. It supports IFF, GIF, and AVI (uncompressed/MJPEG) anims
internally, but also allows a wide range of other formats via plugins and


- Internal loaders: IFF, GIF, AVI (uncompressed/MJPEG)
- Included plugins: APNG, FLI/FLC, YAFA
- Can save (convert) to: GIF, APNG, and AVI (MJPEG)
- Can export frames to PNG images
- Animations can be resized freely by resizing the window
- Several options to alter the playback speed
- Animation frames can be added, inserted, or removed
- All changes (size, speed, frames) will be saved when saving a new animation
- Drag & drop loading
- ARexx support
- Keyboard and mouse controls


- Copy the whole directory anywhere you want
- See the provided filetype examples for Ambient integration, or use Grunch
to install the program and get the filetypes configured automatically
- New plugins can be installed by copying a plugin file (.hwp) to the RNOAnim


Space/P . . . . . - Plays or pauses an animation
Left/Right . . . . - Jumps to previous or next frame
Shift+Left/Right . - Jumps 5 frames back or forward
PageDown/PageUp . - Jumps 10 frames back or forward
Home/End . . . . . - Jumps to the first or the last frame
Up/Down . . . . . - Changes the playback speed faster or slower
Shift+Up/Down . . - Changes the playback speed in bigger steps
O . . . . . . . . - Opens (loads) a new animation
S . . . . . . . . - Changes between different speed settings
D . . . . . . . . - Activates the delay input
Command+(1-5) . . - Resizes an anim between 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, and 400%
Command+F . . . . - Adds frames
Command+I . . . . - Inserts frames
Command+R/R . . . - Removes a frame
Command+X . . . . - Cuts a frame
Command+C . . . . - Copies a frame
Command+V . . . . - Pastes a frame
Command+T . . . . - Opens a color adjustment window for transparent GIFs
Command+N . . . . - Clears the project
Command+G . . . . - Saves to GIF anim
Command+P . . . . - Saves to PNG anim
Command+A . . . . - Saves to AVI anim
Command+Q . . . . - Quits the program
Mouse wheel . . . - Jumps to previous or next frame
Shift+Mouse wheel - Jumps 5 frames back or forward


- "Add frame..." creates new frames from the selected pictures, and adds them
to the end of the animation.
- "Insert frame..." inserts the new frames to the current position.
- "Remove frame" removes a frame from the current position.
- The frame delay of each individual frame can be changed manually by typing
a new value in milliseconds. Note that saving the animation to GIF rounds
down the values with 10ms precision. IFF and PNG anims will work with 1ms
- The "Speed" setting is a multiplier to the frame delay values, and thus
respects the varying frame delay values, but speeds up or slows down the
playback overall.
- The "FPS" setting forces all frames to be played with a fixed frame-rate
forgetting the original potentially varying frame delays. Note that saving
to AVI takes the speed from this value only (defaults to 25 fps).


Settings are found from program's pull-down menu and they will be saved to
the ENVARC:RNOAnim/ directory.

Preload animation . - Loads the whole animation into memory instead of
streaming it. This is required when editing frames, but
can be disabled if you run out of the memory when
playing huge animations.
Play automatically - Starts the playback immediately after loading an anim.
Loop animation . . - Plays an animation in a loop.
Keep speed . . . . - Keeps the custom speed settings when loading a new anim.
Keep aspect ratio . - Keeps the aspect ratio of an anim when resizing it.
Keep zoom . . . . . - Keeps the zoom value when loading a new animation.
Smooth scaling . . - Uses anti-aliased interpolation when resizing an anim.
Transparency . . . - Defines if transparency values or alpha channels are
loaded when loading animations or adding frame images,
or if transparency values are saved with an anim. *Note*
that transparency in GIF anims is defined by a color,
but APNG anims use alpha channel values from frames.
Dithering . . . . . - Dithers frame images when saving to GIF likely requires
the number of colors used reducing, to a maximum of 256.
Insert mode . . . . - Dropped image files will be inserted to the animation
instead of being added to the end of the animation.

ENV settings which aren't found within the GUI:
RNOAnim/colors . . - The number of colors a GIF anim will use when saved.
Which can be from 1 up to 256 (defaults to 256).


RNOAnim uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given in
the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter

Allowed arguments (0 = disable, 1 = enable):
-file <file> . . . . - Loads an anim file at startup
-autoplay <0|1> . . . - Start the playback automatically after loading an anim
-autoquit <0|1> . . . - Quits the program at the end of the animation
-preload <0|1> . . . - Preloads the animation to RAM instead of streaming
-loop <0|1> . . . . . - Plays the animation in a loop
-speed <0.1-10> . . . - Playback speed multiplier
-fps <1-100> . . . . - Fixed framerate for the animation
-zoom <n> . . . . . . - Percentage value to resize the animation
-smoothscaling <0|1> - Resize with anti-aliased interpolation
-args . . . . . . . . - Shows the allowed arguments

RNOAnim -file "Work:Anims/Some Anim.gif" -autoplay 1 -autoquit 1


Program's ARexx port is RNOANIM and supported commands are:

HELP . . . . . . . . . . . - Returns a summary of the available commands
OPEN <file>. . . . . . . . - Loads a new animation
NEW . . . . . . . . . . . - Clears the project
PLAY . . . . . . . . . . . - Plays the loaded animation
PAUSE. . . . . . . . . . . - Pauses playback
TOGGLE . . . . . . . . . . - Toggles between pause and play
FRAME <n>. . . . . . . . . - Selects (displays) the requested frame
ADD <file> . . . . . . . . - Adds a new frame to the end of the animation
INSERT <file> . . . . . . - Inserts a new frame to the animation
REMOVE . . . . . . . . . . - Removes the selected frame from the animation
CUT . . . . . . . . . . . - Cuts the selected frame from the animation
COPY . . . . . . . . . . . - Copies the selected frame from the animation
PASTE . . . . . . . . . . - Inserts a copied frame to the current position
FRAMEDELAY <n> . . . . . . - Sets the frame delay value for the current frame
AUTOPLAY <ON|OFF>. . . . . - Sets the "Play automatically" setting
PRELOAD <ON|OFF> . . . . . - Sets the "Preload animation" setting
LOOP <ON|OFF>. . . . . . . - Sets the "Loop animation" setting
AUTOQUIT <ON|OFF>. . . . . - Sets the program to automatically quit
KEEPSPEED <ON|OFF> . . . . - Sets the "Keep speed" setting
SPEED <0.1-10> . . . . . . - Sets a value for the "Speed" setting
FPS <0-100> . . . . . . . - Sets a value for the "FPS" setting
KEEPZOOM <ON|OFF> . . . . - Sets the "Keep zoom" setting
ZOOM <n>. . . . . . . . . - Resizes the anim to <n> percent
SMOOTHSCALING <ON|OFF> . . - Sets the "Smooth scaling" setting
TRANSPARENCY <ON|OFF> . . - Sets the "Transparency" setting
GIFTPCOLOR <RRGGBB> . . . - Sets the transparency color for GIF anims
DITHERING <ON|OFF> . . . . - Sets the "Dithering" setting
SAVE <GIF|APNG|AVI> <file> - Saves the anim to the requested format
EXPORT <dir> . . . . . . . - Saves the selected frame as a PNG image
EXPORTALL <dir> . . . . . - Saves all frames to PNG images
QUIT . . . . . . . . . . . - Quits the program
GET <STATE|FILE|FRAME| . . - Returns the requested value



Version 1.2:
- Animations get scaled if they don't fit within the screen size
- Support for transparency in GIF anims

Version 1.1 (thanks to Thomas Igracki for his suggestions):
- The "New" option to clear any previous project
- Frames can be cut, copied, and pasted
- Frames can be added by dragging image files into the program window
- Some frames played twice, caused by a last minute change introducing a bug
- Small changes (un-iconify, frame delay fix, new requesters...)


- Please visit http://jpv.wmhost.com/jpv_software/ for screenshots, support,
donations, and other software
- This program is made with Hollywood: http://www.hollywood-mal.com/


- Densho/RNO for the logo
- Neil Pearson for proof-reading


This software is made available to you as Freeware and you may use this
software in whatever way you wish, but the author accepts no liability for
any damage caused to your system or other connected peripherals by using
this software.

Upload Date:Aug 09 2017
Size:1 MB
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