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Description:An implementation of the 5250 telnet protocol.
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: 5250 telnet client
Author: jasonf@nacs.net (Jason M. Felice), mmadore@blarg.net (Michael Madore), port by uploader
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type: comm/tcp
Version: 0.17.4
Architecture: ppc-morphos
URL: http://tn5250.sourceforge.net

This is an implementation of the 5250 telnet protocol. It was originally an
implementation for Linux, but it has been reportedly compiled on a number
of other platforms. Contributed keyboard maps and termcap entries for
FreeBSD are in this tarball as well (see freebsd/README for more information).

This, the 0.17.x series, is the development series and may cause severe
headaches and stomach cramps, if only due to the quality of code :) If you
are looking for a stable emulator, get the latest 0.16.x version. Even so,
0.17.x is quite stable and in production at several sites. Furthermore, for
the enhanced 5250 protocol 0.17.x is required.

Upload Date:May 14 2017
Size:932 KB
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