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Description:RunInDOSBox allows double-clicked MS-DOS programs to be automatically redirected to run inside DOSBox.
Developer/Porter:Christopher Handley
r1 (05.02.2013)
by Christopher Handley

1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1. AmigaOS4
2.2. MorphOS
2.3. AROS
3. Usage
3.1. DOSBox tips
3.2. From the Shell or a script
3.3. From eGame or AmiDock
4. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
4.1. DOSBox crashes on exit (MorphOS ONLY)
4.2. RunInDOSBox won't open any .bat files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
4.3. RunInDOSBox won't open any .com files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
4.4. RunInDOSBox won't open any .exe files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
5. Additional notes
6. Contact details
7. The future
8. Thanks
9. History

1. Introduction
RunInDOSBox allows double-clicked MS-DOS programs to be automatically redirected
to run inside DOSBox. (This is not quite true for AROS users, who will need to
either use eGame (or a shell script) to start MS-DOS programs.)

Note that eGame is compatible with RunInDOSBox, and provides a quick way of
starting your (MS-DOS) games, no matter which OS you use.

2. Installation
2.1. AmigaOS4
Please follow these steps:

1. If you don't have DOSBox installed, then please download & install it from:
(Installation is just unarchiving it wherever you want to keep it.)

DOSBox needs a newer version of SDL than comes with AmigaOS4.1 (Update 5), so
you may have to download from here:
(Install it by copying "libSDL-1.2.so" to the "Sys:SObjs" folder.)

2. If you have never run DOSBox before, then please run it once by
double-clicking on the "DOSBox" program (and then close it). This lets
AmigaOS4's AppDir: (and thus RunInDOSBox) know where to find it.

3. Next double-click on RunInDOSBox's "Install" icon. This will copy a few
files to their required locations.

4. This final step cannot be automated, so the installer will start
Sys:Prefs/DefIcons for you (i.e. DefIcons program in the Prefs folder on OS4's
system partition.). In the window that opens:

(a) If you *only* want to run DOS .exe files, then you do not need to do
anything! So click the "Cancel" button, and JUMP TO STEP 5.

(b) If you *only* want to run DOS games via eGame, then you do not need to do
anything! So click the "Cancel" button, and JUMP TO STEP 5.

(c) If you want to run DOS .bat files, then please follow the instructions given
in section "4.2. RunInDOSBox won't open any .bat files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)".

(d) If you want to run DOS .com files, then please follow the instructions given
in section "4.3. RunInDOSBox won't open any .com files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)".

(e) Finally click on the "Save" button.

5. Opening the "test_demo" folder. Inside it you should see the file
"Urgent.EXE". If it does NOT have a "DOSBox" icon, then you need to follow the
instructions given in section "4.4. RunInDOSBox won't open any .exe files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)".

6. You can now test that RunInDOSBox works, by double-clicking on "run_test".
DOSBox should open on it's own screen, and you should then see & hear a simple
demo. The demo does not respond to Escape, so you will need to press
Ctrl-Alt-F9 to quit DOSBox.

2.2. MorphOS
Please follow these steps:

1. If you don't have DOSBox installed, then please download & install it from:
(Installation is just unarchiving it wherever you want to keep it.)

You also need to install PowerSDL:

2. Next double-click on RunInDOSBox's "Install" icon. (The first time
RunInDOSBox is installed, it will ask where to find DOSBox.) It will then copy
a few files to their required locations.

3. Opening the "test_demo" folder. Inside it you should see the file
"Urgent.EXE", which should have a "DOSBox" icon.

4. You can now test that RunInDOSBox works, by double-clicking on "run_test".
DOSBox should open on it's own screen, and you should then see & hear a simple
demo. The demo does not respond to Escape, so you will need to press
Ctrl-Alt-F9 to quit DOSBox.

2.3. AROS
Please follow these steps:

1. If you don't have DOSBox installed, then please download & install it from:
(Installation is just unarchiving it wherever you want to keep it.)

2. Next double-click on RunInDOSBox's "Install" icon. (The first time
RunInDOSBox is installed, it will ask where to find DOSBox.) It will then copy
a few files to their required locations.

3. You can now test that RunInDOSBox works, by double-clicking on "run_test".
DOSBox should open on it's own screen, and you should then see & hear a simple
demo. The demo does not respond to Escape, so you will need to press
Ctrl-Alt-F9 to quit DOSBox.

3. Usage
AmigaOS4 & MorphOS users can now double-click any .EXE or .COM file to run it.
If you are an AmigaOS4 user who followed the optional installation steps, then
you can also run .BAT files. MorphOS users can run .BAT files without any extra

AROS users will need to use eGame to run .EXE, .COM & .BAT files, or otherwise
create script files like "run_test" (see the section "3.2. From the Shell or a script").

When an MS-DOS program is run, you will briefly see a reminder that you can quit
DOSBox by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F9. This message will disappear on it's own, but
you can dismiss it immediately by pressing Enter.

When you have finished with the MS-DOS program, it is best to try to quit the
program normally. Often there will be a Quit or "Exit to DOS" option. If you
don't see any, then try pressing the Escape key, as many programs quit when you
do this. If the program quits, then DOSBox will close & return you to
Workbench. But if you can't quit normally, then you can force DOSBox to close
by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F9.

Note that while DOSBox is running, you can use the normal Amiga hotkeys
LeftAmiga-N to return to Workbench, and LeftAmiga-M to cycle screens.

RunInDOSBox makes DOSBox use the "RunInDOSBox.conf" file, so edit that if you
want to fiddle with it's settings. But beware this file *may* be overwritten
when you install a newer version of RunInDOSBox.

*WARNING: If MorphOS users find that DOSBox crashes on exit*, then please
read section "4.1. DOSBox crashes on exit (MorphOS ONLY)".

3.1. DOSBox tips
When DOSBox is running, you can press Alt-Enter to switch between Full Screen &
Windowed mode.

Some MS-DOS games/demos allow you to choose what graphics & sound you have.
Here is a quick guide as to what DOSBox supports:

* Video: If possible choose VGA, otherwise EGA, otherwise CGA. Do NOT choose
Tandy or Hercules!

* Sound: If possible choose SoundBlaster 16 or Adlib (I'm not sure which is
best). Otherwise choose a plain SoundBlaster. Only choose PC Speaker if you
have no other choice. Do NOT choose Gravis Ultrasound.

* SoundBlaster settings, if required: Port=220, IRQ=7, DMA=1.

* MIDI: This is not supported, so don't bother! (Unless you see an "FM"

* Joystick: I haven't tried this yet, so I don't know if it is supported or
not. Let me know!

3.2. From the Shell or a script
If you want to run an MS-DOS program from the Shell or a script, then you just
need to put "RunInDOSBox" before it. For example:

RunInDOSBox Urgent.EXE

You can also tell RunInDOSBox to run the program in a window on Workbench:


If DOS32A causes any compatibility problems (I haven't found any yet), then you
can disable it like so:

RunInDOSBox Foobar.EXE NoDOS32A

If DOSBox is quitting before you are able to see any error message (when trying
to run a program), then you can tell it to not auto-exit:

RunInDOSBox Foobar.EXE NoExit

Advanced users can have CD images (ISOs) mounted (for games like Terminator
Future Shock or Tomb Raider 1) :

RunInDOSBox FShock/Shock.exe cdISO FutureShock.iso

You can also mount a folder as a fake CD:

RunInDOSBox FShock/Shock.exe CDdir FShockCD

3.3. From eGame or AmiDock
You can treat an MS-DOS game like any other game, by dropping it's executable on
eGame's window to add it.

AmigaOS4: If you FIRST snapshot the icon of say a .EXE file, then you can add
it to AmiDock.

4. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
4.1. DOSBox crashes on exit (MorphOS ONLY)
If you are finding that DOSBox crashes on exit (such that you have a 'frozen'
DOSBox window), then you will have to disable DOSBox's sound. You can do this
by going to DOSBox's folder, opening "RunInDOSBox.conf" with Editor (or another
text editor), searching for the nosound=false line, and then changing it to
true, so that it looks like this:


4.2. RunInDOSBox won't open any .bat files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
If you want RunInDOSBox to work with .BAT files, then follow these instructions:

(a) If DefIcons is not already running, then double-click on Sys:Prefs/DefIcons.
(i.e. the DefIcons program in the Prefs folder on OS4's system partition.)

(b) Under "Filetypes", look for "ascii" with a white box on it's left. It
should become obvious if you click once on the white box to the left of

(c) Click on "ascii" (but not on it's white box!). Then click on the (left)
"Add" button below it, and for "Name" replace the "<new>" text with "msdos"
(without quotes of course), then press Enter.

(d) With "msdos" still selected (under "Filetypes"), LOOK UNDER "Actions".
Click on the (right) "Add" button, and (while your left mouse button is still
pressed) choose "PATTERN". In the "Pattern:" box below, enter "#?.bat" (without

(e) Finally click on the "Save" button.

4.3. RunInDOSBox won't open any .com files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
If you want RunInDOSBox to work with .COM files, then follow these instructions:

(a) If DefIcons is not already running, then double-click on Sys:Prefs/DefIcons.
(i.e. the DefIcons program in the Prefs folder on OS4's system partition.)

(b) Under "Filetypes", please click on "project". Then click on the (left)
"Add" button below it, and for "Name" replace the "<new>" text with "msdos"
(without quotes of course), then press Enter.

(c) With "msdos" still selected (under "Filetypes"), LOOK UNDER "Actions".
Click on the (right) "Add" button, and (while your left mouse button is still
pressed) choose "PATTERN". In the "Pattern:" box below, enter "#?.com" (without

(d) Finally click on the "Save" button.

4.4. RunInDOSBox won't open any .exe files (AmigaOS4 ONLY)
If you don't get a "DOSBox" icon for any DOS .exe files, then follow these

(a) If DefIcons is not already running, then double-click on Sys:Prefs/DefIcons.
(i.e. the DefIcons program in the Prefs folder on OS4's system partition.)

(b) Under "Filetypes", please click on "project". Then click on the (left)
"Add" button below it, and for "Name" replace the "<new>" text with "msdos"
(without quotes of course), then press Enter.

(c) With the new "msdos" still selected (under "Filetypes"), LOOK UNDER
"Actions". Click on the (right) "Add" button, and (while your left mouse button
is still pressed) choose "PATTERN". In the "Pattern:" box below, enter "#?.exe"
(without quotes).

(d) Click on the (right) "Add" button, and (while your left mouse button is
still pressed) choose "MATCH". In the "Match:" box below, enter "MZ" (without

(e) If you did that correctly, then under "Actions" you should see:
* PATTERN #?.exe
* MATCH 0 "MZ" Case sensitive

(f) Finally click on the "Save" button.

5. Additional notes
To speed-up some games, DOS/32A is automatically used for DOS4GW-based games.
It's license requires the following sentence to be included in the

This product uses DOS/32 Advanced DOS Extender technology.

6. Contact details
If you have any problems with RunInDOSBox, then let me know! You can contact me
by email, using the address given on this web page:


If for some reason you cannot email me, then I can be found on AmigaWorld.net &
www.Amigans.net as "ChrisH". I suggest you PM me on AmigaWorld.net, as I may
not notice forum posts (nor PMs on Amigans.net!).

7. The future
Here is a list of POSSIBLE thing that I might add:

* A simple GUI to choose whether it defaults to Full Screen or Windowed, and to
disable the reminder about how to quit DOSBox.

If you are interested in any of these ideas, or have any suggestions of your
own, then feel free to email me! Your input may help me decided what to do

8. Thanks
In chronological order, thanks to:
* Chris Young, for testing & various suggestions, especially the idea of using DOS/32A.
* D.Brink1975, Scott Cabit, Samir Hawamdeh, Allan Ullmann & Joel Edberg for alpha-testing.
* Ilkka "Itix" Lehtoranta, for answering my MorphOS filetype questions.

Sorry if I missed anyone.

9. History
r1 (05.02.2013)
* Made the installer & RunInDOSBox work on MorphOS & AROS.
* Added the "NoExit" parameter.
* Fixed the "CDdir" parameter not working.
* Fixed a potential crash/instability when starting DOSBox.
* DOSBox now grabs the mouse in window mode, and so I've had to show the how-to-quit message for window mode too.

r0 alpha 2 (15-11-2012)
* DOS4GW-based games should now run a bit faster, as DOS/32A will be automatically used.
* Added the "CDdir" parameter, so CDs can be emulated using the contents of a folder (rather than using an ISO file).

r0 alpha 1 (20-10-2012)
* First (private) release.

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