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Description:A freeware podcast client for computers running AmigaOS and other compatible operating systems.
Developer/Porter:Robert Williams
Short: Subscribe to, download + manage podcasts
Author: Robert Williams
Uploader: "Robert Williams" <robert seal-amiga co uk>
Type: comm/misc
Version: 1.6
Replaces: comm/misc/AmiPodder.lha
Requires: MUI, rxMUI, NList.mcc, TheBar.mcc
Architecture: generic

AmiPodder is a freeware podcast client for computers running AmigaOS and
other compatible operating systems. With AmiPodder you can subscribe to
podcast feeds (usually for free), download episodes and then listen to them
on your Amiga or transfer them to a portable music player. AmiPodder
supports audio and video podcasts and has many useful features.

For further information, screen shots etc., visit the AmiPodder web site at:


* Subscribe to podcast feeds.
* Download podcasts using IBrowse, AWeb, Charon or wget.
* Download podcasts from bittorrent feeds using CTorrent.
* Organise your subscribed podcasts into groups.
* Browse available podcasts in your subscribed feeds and download them.
* Automatically check for new episodes, you can set how often AmiPodder
checks and which podcasts it should check.
* Play audio podcasts in AmigaAmp, AmiNetRadio, Delitracker or TuneNet.
* Play video podcasts in any movie player including MPlayer and Frogger.
* Optionally, automatically download new podcasts when they are available.
* "Sync" new podcasts to any portable music player that appears as a volume
on Workbench.
* Manage downloaded podcast files and those synced to your player.
* Independent download and sync preferences for audio and video podcasts.


AmiPodder is written in AREXX and has a MUI interface implemented with
rxMUI. It also requires the NList and TheBar MUI custom classes.


AmiPodder is freeware and you use it at your own risk.

Upload Date:Dec 20 2016
Size:839 KB
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