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Description:Parametrized MUI custom class code generator by Grzegorz Kraszewski.
Developer/Porter:Grzegorz Kraszewski
Short: Parametrized MUI MCC code generator
Author: Grzegorz Kraszewski <krashan@teleinfo.pb.bialystok.pl>, updated by Stefan Haubenthal (polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org)
Version: 0.8

ChocolateCastle 0.8 is a code template generator for internal MUI custom
classes. A lot of MUI class code can be generated automatically, so
ChocolateCastle frees a programmer from boring tasks like writing a dispatcher
method headers, standard methods like OM_GET or OM_SET and more. You, as a
programmer just specify class name, superclass name (or name of pointer
variable if the class is based on another custom class) and set of methods:
their identifiers, function names and message types. ChocolateCastle generates
two files: header file and code file. The header file contains declarations of
class creation and disposition funtcions, declaration of class base and
neccesary includes. Code file contains skeleton of all declared methods (with
tag parser skeletons in OM_SET and OM_GET), complete dispatcher function, class
creation and disposition functions, dummy object instance structure. The
generated code is well formated and human readable (so one can load it to an
editor and continue work), it is also ready to compile (no missing declarations
etc.). Generated code is designed for MorphOS and compiles with GCC. Class
specification can be saved to a project file and loaded later.

Added German catalog
Added icon of AROS port
Fixed version tag of generator

Upload Date:Aug 23 2016
Size:239 KB
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