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Description:Compares contents of two directories (recursively) with 64bit support Leif Salomonsson.
Developer/Porter:Leif Salomonsson
short: MirrorCheck
uploader: dev blubbedev net
author: Leif Salomonsson
version: 1.0


What ?

- Compares contents of two directories (recursively).

64bit support.

Requirements !

- MorphOS 2.x

Usage !


Compare two diretories:

MirrorCheck <sourcea> <sourceb>

The options:

A/A - Directory A

B/A - Directory B

BUF/N - Use different buffer size for read of file data.
Size in kilobytes. Default is 128.

SRD/S - This switch makes mirrorcheck ignore all files and dirs
that begin with a dot (.) AND are located in the root
of either directories. Normally used to disable comparing
of .recycled dir for example.

COM/S - Compare comments.

QUIET/S - Only output diff lines.

LFORMAT/K - Optional output formatting string.
%N: filename only.
%M: filename only without extension.
%P: path up to file (inlcuding / or :).
%E: extension only.
%Q: diff bits.

SKIP/K - Optionally skip certain tests.
One or more of:
F - Skip comparing file data
N - Skip comparing name case
O - Skip comparing owner info
P - Skip comparing protection
C - Skip comparing comment
D - Skip comparing date
S - Skip comparing file size
L - Skip comparing softlink target
< - Skip checking existanse of A/x in B/
> - Skip checking existanse of B/x in A/


For each directory entry that differs MirrorCheck will output a line
like this:

path_of_file [diff]

where "diff" is one or more of following flags:

< : Entry existed only in source A.
> : Entry existed only in source B.
D : Date differs between entries. (files and dirs)
T : The entries are of different types. (all)
S : File size differs. (files)
F : File data differs. (files)
L : Softlink target differs. (softlinks)
N : Names of entries differ in case. (all)
O : Owner information differs. (files and dirs)
P : Protection differs. (files and dirs)
C : Comment differs. (files and dirs)


Auto wrapping logfiles as supported by IceFS are ignored.
I dont see much point in comparing them.

Who made it ?

Leif Salomonsson 2012-2016 [dev blubbedev net]


1.0 - 2016.06.14

Added SKIP/K option to skip certain tests.

Comparing softlinks was not really functional.

0.9 - 2013...

Comparing softlink targets failed if provided source or
dest directory was not absolute.

0.8 - 2012.09.19

LFORMAT option was not always followed, fixed.

0.7 - 2012.09.14

Sometimes showed two files data being different while not, fixed.

0.6 - 2012.09.07


Ctrl-C can abort now.

MirrorCheck now returns 5 to shell if any file differed
and 10 on any major error.

0.5 - 2012.09.06

First private release.

Upload Date:Jul 30 2016
Size:8 KB
Last Comments