Welcome to MorphOS-Storage, a webserver dedicated to MorphOS users. ©2016-2024 Meta-MorphOS.org
Description:A Jump'n'Run game.
Developer/Porter:Frank Wille

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SQRXZ 2 v1.10 by Retroguru

visit us at http://www.retroguru.com and http://www.sqrxz.de

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_LICENSE:_/______//___//__//_//____________//_ _\\_____________________________

Sqrxz 2 is FREEWARE for certain, but not all, systems. All rights remain within
the development team!

FREEWARE versions:
- AMIGA OCS (digital download is free)
- Amiga CD32 (digital download is free)
- Amiga CDTV (digital download is free)
- Amiga OS4 (digital download is free)
- AROS (digital download is free)
- GameCube (digital download is free)
- Dreamcast (digital download is free)
- GCW Zero (digital download is free)
- GP2x Wiz (digital download is free)
- Linux (digital download is free)
- Mac OS X x86 (digital download is free)
- MorphOS (digital download is free)
- MotoMAGX (digital download is free)
- NetBSD 6 PPC (digital download is free)
- NetBSD 7 x86 (digital download is free)
- Playstation Portable (PSP) (digital download is free)
- Raspberry Pi (digital download is free)
- Symbian OS Series 60 (digital download is free)
- Symbian OS UIQ 3 (digital download is free)
- Wii (digital download is free)
- Windows (digital download is free)

Distribution of the FREEWARE version on third party pages is welcome, please try
to link to our homepage located at retroguru.com in exchange to show your
appreciation. Distribution on compilations, CD's, DVD's or other media is only
allowed with a written permission. Contact information is available on the
Retroguru homepage.

Platforms which require all data files, such as graphics and music, to be kept
open and uncompressed: Feel free to use our work for the purpose of playing the
game. Names, artwork, music and everything related, remains copyrighted by
Retroguru and it's creating member.

Modifications should be not spread in a way that they may lead to the conculusion
that Retroguru is responsible for the modification. Free use of our work requires
a written permission. Clearly mark modifications as such. Commercial use of all
material provided is strictly prohibited.

- Dreamcast (available at almost self cost price, as long as stock lasts)

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_ABOUT:_/______//___//__//_//____//_ _\\_______________________________________

Sqrxz 2 is a Jump n'Run which requires a sharp mind and fast reflexes
high frustration is guaranteed. Original Sqrxz made by Marcus Vesterlund
and John Holmvall.

To understand the gameplay, please play Sqrxz 1 first - It contains a tutorial
level! Get it from http://www.sqrxz.de

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_STORY_/______//___//__//_//_____________________________________//_ _\\_______

Another day another journey...

As living on planet earth and its surrounding solar system seemed boring Sqrxz
decided to check out another location in the universe.

Just in case and to be extra careful he took a pocket full of emeralds with him
to keep him in ready cash, but after starting his exciting journey he realised
all his emeralds are suddenly missing!

Retracing his steps Sqrxz notices mysterious creatures popping up all over the
place to hinder him in his search...

Oh what troublesome days... Help poor Sqrxz get back all his emeralds!

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_FEATURES:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_ _\\_____________________________

* Tough challenging gameplay - Extremely difficult; not for weaklings!
* Retro graphics!
* Hidden passages to discover!
* 10 tricky n' hard levels!
* 11 marvellous chiptunes!
* Top 10 highscore!
* Infinite continue mode, which you will need badly in order to practise! :)

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_CHANGELOG:_/______//___//__//_//___________________________________//_ _\\____

* v1.10 (January/2016)
- improved file system (old .zda files in /data can be deleted!)
- added soundcheck option
- added ability to change screen effects on the fly (system depending)
- added ability to change screen size without restarting (system depending)

* v1.00 (November/2013)
- rewritten frameskip code
- normalized sfx
- fixed configuration saving
- added settings to define screensize (System/OS depending)
- new option to switch between combine up controls with jump or not
(this option will come in handy for joystick players only)

changes for Dreamcast only:
- fixed highscore bug

changes for devices with a screen equal or larger than 640 x 480:
- scale options: bilinear, antialias and scanlines (Thanks Yannick!)

* v0.80 (December/2010)
- First public release

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_CORE TEAM:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_ _\\____________________________

* Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)
- Main Code

* Lars Persson (AnotherGuest)
- Additional Code

* Shahzad Sahaib (Kojote)
- Project Management
- Levels
- Beta-Test

* Simon Butler
- Pixel graphics

* Alexander Wiklund
- Music / Chiptunes

* Jane Mumford (Jayne)
- Mascot drawing

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_PORTERS:_/______//___//__//_//___________________//_ _\\______________________

* Rodolphe Boixel (Thor)
Ports: Windows (32-bit), Linux (32-bit), Linux (64-bit), PSP, Wiz

* Frank Wille (phx)
Rewrites: Amiga OCS, Amiga CDTV, Amiga CD32
Ports: Amiga OS4, MorphOS, NetBSD x86, NetBSD PPC

* Xavier Vajello (Indiket)
Ports: Dreamcast, Mac OS X (Intel)

* Scott Smith (Pickle)
Ports: Caanoo, Pandora, GP2x

* Artur Rojek (zear)
Ports: GCW Zero, Dingoo A320 OpenDingux

* James Higgs (Jum)
Ports: Raspberry Pi (Initial)

* Manuel Alfayate (Vanafel)
Ports: Raspberry Pi (Update)

* Yannick Erb
Ports: AROS

* Sergei Kolesnikov (Exl)
Ports: MotoMAGX

* Fabio Olimpieri (Oibaf)
Ports: Wii, GameCube

* Gražvydas Ignotas (notaz)
Ports: Pandora (Update)

* Lars Persson (AnotherGuest)
Ports: Symbian OS Series 60, Symbian OS UIQ 3, Android

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_HELPING HANDS:_/______//___//__//_//___________________//_ _\\________________

* Simon

* Andrew Lemon (ne7)
ASCII art for readme file

* Denny Mueller (Mulle)
- Wordpress Template for the Webpage

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_THIRD PARTY CREDITS:_/______//___//__//_//___________//_ _\\__________________

We use SDL, SDL_Mixer, libmodplug and zlib! Visit:


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_MUSIC TRACKLIST:_/______//___//__//_//___________________//_ _\\______________

"Title Music" and "Level Complete Jingle" plus ingame music (see list) made by

Level 1: Go, Sqrxz!
Level 2: Watchout (Part 2)
Level 3: Stressed
Level 4: Faster
Level 5: Watchout
Level 6: In A Hurry
Level 7: Sqrxz 2
Level 8: Journey
Level 9: Run Run Run
Level 10: Chaos

Most of the OST songs were made in less than one month, but the tunes will
still make you move!

Alex wants to greet all his mates in Fairlight, Nyhlin, Xylo, Joule, Malmen,
Michu, Zabutom, Maktone, Michiel, An-cat-max and the ones he forgot.

Upload Date:Jul 29 2016
Size:716 KB
Last Comments