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Description:A small Arexx script that enables you to share every website you watch in OWB via GooglePlus by #amigazeux.
Short: Add GooglePlus functionality to OWB
Author: #amigazeux
Uploader: zeux@amigazeux.de
Type: network/WWW
Version: 1.0 (01.06.2013)
Distribution: http://amigazeux.org, Everything MorphOS related
Requires: OWB, openurl.library (both part of MorphOS), Working Arexx-environment
Replaces: World domination

This is a small Arexx script that enables you to share every website you watch in OWB via GooglePlus.

Many websites don't have the ability to share - we don't care and share anyway!

Operation Twist: (or setting it up) (You know Ben Bernanke btw?)

- Copy the file 'GooglePlus.owx' to <path>OWB/Scripts/

- Open OWB Prefs->Contextual menu
- Hit ADD
- Category: Page
- Label: GooglePlus (or whatever makes you happy)
- Action: Rx Sys:Applications/OWB/Scripts/GooglePlus.owx %u

I made a grab of the settings to make it crystal clear.

Now, if you want to share the website that you are currently reading, you hit the right mousebutton
to get to the contextmenu. You select 'GooglePlus' in the menu to share.

You can safely try it, it's not shared immediately. Your confirmation is needed first ;)

I'm not sure if the script survives if you update the system with the next MorphOS release, assuming
you keep OWB in its default directory.

So i set protection to R--- and hope it helps.

Permission to include the script to Pack Chrysalis is hereby granted.

Upload Date:Jun 29 2016
Size:94 KB
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