Readme: | Short: CPU only Warp3D implementation Author: (Alain Thellier) Uploader: thellier free fr Type: driver/video Version: beta 56 (October 2014) Replaces: driver/video/Wazp3D.lha Requires: RTG system,68020-40,fpu Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.0.0
DESCRIPTION Wazp3D : Alain THELLIER - Paris - FRANCE Wazp3D is a library intended to be compatible with the famous Warp3D.library (AmigaOS 68020-40 or OS4-PPC or Aros or Morphos ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoyed Wazp3D send me a postcard at: Thellier. 43 Rue Ordener. 75018 PARIS. FRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE GNU General Public License (GNU GPL)
MOST IMPORTANT FEATURES o Compatible with the famous Warp3D.library for AmigaOS o Inside Aros & WinUAE & Morphos can also render in hardware o StormMesa & MiniGL compatibility o The 97 functions from the latest Warp3D.library v5 are presents :-) o Sources included ( Wazp3D has been ported to AROS) o Can be software only (=slow) : no need to have 3D hardware o Work in UAE so can serve to compile/test your 3D softwares inside UAE o Wazp3D can lie and pretend to have a "perfect hardware driver" so the 3D-softwares will not fail due to a lacking feature. o Full Documentation, faq and grabs at o Unlike QuarkTex you can run multiple Warp3D applications concurrently o Built-in debugger o Demo-program to use with Wazp3D
INSTALLATION Wazp3D-Prefs should be copied to your SYS:Prefs directory Rename existing LIBS:Warp3D.library to LIBS:Warp3D.library-save
If you are not using WinUAE but a real OS3 Amiga 68k or another emulator then just copy Wazp3D.library-full TO LIBS:Warp3D.library
If you are using a real OS4 PPC Amiga (or using WinUAE ppc OS4) copy Wazp3D.library-os4 TO LIBS:Warp3D.library
If you are not using WinUAE but a real Morphos machine copy Wazp3D.library-morphos TO MOSSYS:Libs/Warp3D.library copy Wazp3DPPC.library-morphos TO MOSSYS:Libs/Warp3DPPC.library
If you are using WinUAE 68k then copy Wazp3D.library-winuae TO LIBS:Warp3D.library copy soft3d.library TO LIBS:soft3d.library and PC side copy soft3d.dll to the WinUAE directory WinUAE need "Miscellaneous panel/Native code execution" to be enabled (note that renderer:hard only works on 32 bits screeenmode)
If you are using Aros then It is already in LIBS:Warp3D.library Warning: upper/lower cases are important for libraries names
WAZP3D-PREFS The Wazp3D-Prefs tool allows to change some settings for Wazp3D. Note: if Wazp3D-Prefs doesn't work then your install is wrong... Wazp3D-Prefs works changing settings on the fly. You can use it before or while a 3D program is running. But it is recommended to use Wazp3D-Prefs BEFORE starting your-3d-program for the first time. You set the settings you want, you close it and then you start the 3D program. You can also use Wazp3D-Prefs when your-3d-program is running. (but impossible with screen-blankers) Just open Wazp3D-Prefs, change the settings and close it again. When you quit the running 3D program, Wazp3D library will write the used settings in a file called wazp3d.cfg in the current directory. Next time you run your 3D program settings will be loaded from this file.
If the settings you set makes your 3D program not work at all (like using a too slow "renderer:soft to bitmap" option), delete the Wazp3D.cfg file in your-3d-program directory. Then start Wazp3D-Prefs, set your favorite settings, close Wazp3D-Prefs and start your-3d-program.
In Wazp3D-Prefs all options with a '+' like "+Renderer:hard" cannot be changed on the fly. You need to set them BEFORE starting your-3d-program for the first time. If you change such option while the 3D program is running then it will only have effect next time you run the program.
You will find in the cfg-os4 directory some config files for OS4 machines: just copy (say) Wazp3D.cfg-frogatto to your frogatto directory as Wazp3D.cfg see full documentation at
Note for experts: You can define global settings in ENVARC:Wazp3D.cfg
HISTORY Wazp3D was first created to test the "Tales of Tamar"'s 3D Map inside WinUAE. I have no time left to work more on this project. So i released the source & library
VERSIONS HISTORY Changes from previous version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 56 o Morphos: With a BIG help from Szil�rd 'BSzili' Bir� the WarpOS version works now :-) If you like his work them donate to him some euros here: So now Wazp3D-morphos got soft & hard rendering (based on hard TinyGL) 1) Old 68k OS3 progs works 2) WOS ppc progs works (WipeOut2097!!!, BlitzQuake) 3) New ppc OS4 progs dont works because OS4emu dont support Warp3D v5 (the OS4 one used for MiniGL progs). But some rare OS4 ppc demos just based on OS3 sources may works ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 55.1 (minor fix, only on OS4depot) o OS4: Fix for Wazp3D.library ppc for bad colors in VoxelNoid (only 4 lines changed in sources) (W3D_InterleavedArray use in fact UBYTE BGRA[4] not RGBA for colors like the Warp3D V5 doc say) Wazp3D.cfg files for VoxelNoid joined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 55 o Morphos: First Wazp3D for Morphos : GleXcess,Blitzquake,TheVague1,TheVague2,Cow3D,Microbe3D-demo,Nukleus-CowsNBubblesFeatVs4 demo works This version have software rendering and "renderer:hard" that use hardware TinyGL giving fast performances. Morphos known bugs: Perspective-texturing dont works because TinyGL dont know glTexCoordPointer(4,...) Wazp3D-Prefs dont works well sometime you will need to set again "Perspective:No" TexEnv states like W3D_MODULATE (texture coloring) are lost : this bug is almost patched Lots of 3D progs dont works (cause unknown) OS4emu dont seems to emulate the Warp3D v5 functions so only old Warp3D progs may works (so Crisot demo draw nothing) o Bug fix about coloring (recent bug in GleXcess scene 4) o OS4: Now Crisot demo "Universe#3 TheTrip" works (but without the bump-mapping effect of course) Wazp3D.cfg files for this demo joined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 54 WARNING: v54 has been reported to be buggy with Hurrican... o Now also bufferize DrawTriFan/DrawTriStrip/DrawLineStrip/DrawLineLoop/DrawTriangleV/DrawTriFanV/DrawTriStripV/DrawArray/DrawElements so badly (typically old OpenGL demos) written apps that call those draw functions for few triangles are faster now So now ALL 12 drawing operations are bufferized and converted to W3D_PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES/LINES/POINTS o You can define global default settings in Prefs:Env-Archive/Wazp3D.cfg (be carefull) o Option "Renderer:Hard" + "Do Mipmaps" works now (WinUAE & Aros) o Bug fix about scissor (Frogatto) o Bug fix about p96LockBitMap causing freeze for renderer:Compositing2D o Faster W3D_UpdateTexImage for renderer:Compositing2D for OS4 (Mame,etc...) o Frogatto & Mame config files for renderer:Compositing2D COPY Wazp3D.cfg-frogatto TO frogatto/Wazp3D.cfg Note: Some OS4 games are very slow even with Wazp3D+Compositing (Mame, Frogatto,etc...) Those games use W3D_UpdateTexImage() very often: this fonction is very slow on Wazp3D 1) because this fonction is not optimized (too many formats to do an test ...) 2) Because some texture formats are converted 3 times: MiniGL -> Warp3D -> Compositing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 53.2 o Enhancements only for PPC version Renderer:Compositing2D Implements basic points/lines drawing with graphics.library (GleXcess scene2) Fix: small bug with UV texturing values (Giddy) Joined Wazp3D.cfg files for Blender,Giddy,Turrican. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 53.1 o Enhancements only for PPC version Renderer:Compositing2D Get average alpha from triangle colors' so it give better transparency effects(GleXcess,Hurrican,etc...) Menus & water in Hurrican works now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 53 o Now bufferize W3D_DrawTriangle/Line/Points so badly written apps that use those slow functions are faster now (need Renderer:hard + Use StateTracker ON) (typically StormMesa apps on WinUAE like GleXcess,Cube... ) o Enhancements for PPC version Renderer:Compositing2D Fix: Was crashing if several tasks use Renderer:Compositing2D (Blender) Patch: remove repeated texturing (wallpaper) as CompositeTags() dont support them (Quake) Some other transparency effects are now supported (GleXcess,Hurrican,etc...) Use "Force IndirectMode:ON" & "Use StateTracker:ON" for better performances (But Blender need "Force IndirectMode:OFF" + "Renderer:Soft to bitmap") Now Hurrican,Giddy,FPSE,Aquaria works o Now Maximum screen size is 2560x2560 ( allow a 1280 double height screen) o Bug fix about textures structures not freed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 52.2 o FIX: ReadPrefs() now works for Wazp3D for PPC too ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 52.1 o Now automatically write/read Wazp3D-Prefs settings in a local Wazp3D.cfg file ( OpenLib() & W3D_CreateContext() call ReadPrefs() and W3D_DestroyContext() call WritePrefs() ) Note: WinUAE need "Miscellaneous panel/Native code execution" to be enabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 52 o StateTracker & soft3d.library are enhanced so "renderer:hard/hard overlay" is faster on Wazp3D/WinUAE & Wazp3D/Aros o Now Maximum screen size is 2048x2048 : Blender :-) o FPSE (Playstation emulator) support "Renderer:hard" now (Need latest FPSE release + latest gpuw3d.dll + "Use Clear Image OFF" "Use Filtering ON") Tested & working: Tomb Raider3, SoulBlade, Legacy of Kain, Crash Bandicoot, Parasite Eve, Gran Turismo o Now you can run old 68k stormmesa progs on OS4 ppc machines (Just install from Aminet old StormMesa libraries + StormMesa2010's agl.library) o Renderer:Compositing2D for OS4 ppc machines. It is only a Proof Of Concept (see soft3d_compositing.c) In fact only some 2D programs like "The Vague" support it well o A few speedup for 32 bits displays BGRA/ARGB/ABGR/RGBA
What is StateTracker ? OpenGL and Warp3D use "states" to disable/enable the differents effects like Texturing,Gouraud,etc... Wazp3D before v47 (or QuarkTex) was just converting a given Warp3D state to the OpenGL or Soft3D equivalent state Example: W3D_SetState(context,W3D_TEXMAPPING,W3D_ENABLE); --> glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); Now the StateTracker analyse very smartly if the current states have really changed. If they really changed then Soft3D or OpenGL equivalent states are updated If they dont changed then Wazp3D do nothing : it dont call Soft3D nor OpenGL So now the x86 (or Aros Mesa) calls are minimized So better performances in hardware mode So well written Amiga games like "Cube" are now very fast with "renderer:hard overlay" Note: If you have display problems then "Use StateTracker OFF" but it will be slower
What is Compositing 2D ? Amiga OS4 got the new graphics.library/CompositeTags() function. This function allow hardware accelerated "Porter & Duff Alpha compositing" (used in OS4 menus/windows transparency) But CompositeTags() also allow to draw textured triangles with corrected perspective and filtering. So as a Proof of Concept the latest Wazp3D v52 can use Compositing as renderer BUT keep in mind that CompositeTags is NOT a real 3D Driver: Unlike Warp3D CompositeTags dont have Zbuffer...cant draw lines/points...dont support 156 BlendModes... dont have TexEnv modes (=Coloring GL) like Modulate/Blend/Decal. Note: Corrected perspective still got a bug in GLeXcess demo
Note: LodePaint & "I have no tomatoes" still need "Hack Texs|No (safe)" Note: D3gnop need "Force IndirectMode:OFF" Note: StormMesa2010 display bug when several StormMesa progs are opened Note: FPSE dont (yet) support "Renderer:hard overlay" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 51 (AmiKit only)
o Flickering on WarpTest,Engine,Payback: fixed o Fog works for "Renderer:hard" (Cube,etc...). Fog is slightly false for "Renderer:soft". o "Dump .OBJ(scaled)" works again. It allow to dump the displayed scene as a wawefront .OBJ/.MTL file o NEW: "Hack Texs: RGBA" option that convert all textures to RGBA32 so faster with "Renderer:Soft to Image" Note: Playstation emulator FPSE + gpuw3d plugin works but in "Renderer:soft to bitmap" mode only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beta 50 o NEW: Hardware OpenGL(Mesa) can be used in AROS (Option Renderer:hard) but dont works well due to the fact that ArosMesa cant render in a specific bitmap as Warp3D do Option Renderer:hard is still bugged as the ArosMesa display is offseted to window's position Option Renderer:hard overlay almost works Wazp3D-Aros works better in "Native driver" mode with LockBitmapTags() implemented o Bug fixes to make Blender/MiniGL/Warp3Dv5/OS4 works: W3D_FreeTexObj(tex) with tex still used in context->CurrentTex[n] : fixed MiniGL Set ZCompareMode but dont enable Zbuffer: patched Bug for some ZCompareMode/Zupdate values: fixed Need to flush pixels if texture was freed : fixed In Soft3D the DrawLine function was not good : almost fixed Menus partially drawn: patched with "Force IndirectMode:OFF" option in Wazp3D-Prefs Bugs in W3D_DrawArray() W3D_DrawElements() W3D_ClearBuffers() W3D_GetScreenmodeList() W3D_SetTexEnv(): fixed ... So Blender now works on Os4 machine without 3D-drivers :-) (Just remember that Wazp3D is limited to 1024x1024 screens) o Bug fixes to make QT/MiniGL/Warp3Dv5/OS4 almost works: Fixed a bug in the blending function (transparency) W3D_ONE,W3D_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA o In WinUAE the option "Renderer:hard overlay" now works fine overlay is now locked to current window so avoid to lock to shell-window like this "glExcess_os3 > nil:" o Cube & TuxRacer for 68k/OS3/StormMesa now works in WinUAE. Need StormMesa libraries Use also latest StormMesa2010 from Aminet + set VERYFAST + LOCKMODE2 in StormMesa-Prefs in Wazp3D-Prefs set "Renderer:hard overlay" + "filtering" + "anti alias" Enjoy :-)
Beta 49 o Bugs fixed about pointers (may had cause crashes). W3D_SetBlendMode() is now perfectly emulated. Some optimizations: so drawing a simply textured object(CoW3D) on a 32 bits screen is now faster. Etc... o New Wazp3D.library-ppc (port to Amiga 0S4 PPC). Very slow so can only serve for debugging OS4-Warp3D programs (Tested & working: Cube, AmiDark engine, Feather demo, TuxKart, GlGlobe, Glsmoke, etc...) o On OS4 machine the new Wazp3D.library-ppc can be used from old 68k programs (=legacy 68k compatibility) o The option Renderer "hard" is now faster (Warning: This option still ONLY works on 32 bits BGRA) o Warp3D V5 implementation (but only compiled for Wazp3D.library-ppc) so compatible with latest MiniGL o AROS to OpenGL(Mesa) sources joined but not compiled yet (see soft3d_opengl.c & o New Wazp3D-Prefs rewriten a more os-friendly way o Enforce Demo & The game "I have no tomatoes" works now (disable option "Hack RGB/RGBA/ARGB texs") o Code clean-up so the sources can serve to write your own .library or .DLL
Beta 48 o Bugs fixed: vertices having a bad color (Blitzquake) + culling defaulting to CW (CoW3D) + Zbuffer clear value (WarpTest) o Early OPENGL32.DLL support: Like QuarkTex the latest Wazp3D/WinUAE is now hardware accelerated :-) Now can choose in Wazp3D-Prefs the Renderer: soft or hard (then will use hardware OpenGL) This hard mode works only inside WinUAE in windowed mode. Need also a 32bits BGRA Workbench or screen (support windowed & own-screen apps) You can select Filtering & AntiAliasing & StateTracker in hardware mode too :-) For the moment display is not perfect (GlExcess works 95%,BlitzQuake 99%) but most programs works Some progs (GnuJump) need "ClearImage OFF" in Wazp3D-Prefs Know bugs: Background or Flat colors are sometime lost Many hanks to the QuarkTex Author & WinUAE Team for their usefull sources o Fog dont works
Beta 47 o New fast native soft3d.dll for WinUAE so all the drawings are maded with the X86 cpu o Quake's perspective works now (so BlitzQuake is nearly perfect) o Simple Linear-filtering (a few bugged & very slow) o Option "Do Mipmaps" works now (it use more memory) o StateTracker: If the states dont really changes then dont call soft3d and continue to bufferize the output (faster) StateTracker cant works if Wazp3D-Prefs is still opened (cause the user can change states any time) o Enhanced Wazp3d-Prefs Gui
Beta 46 (not released) o PayBack, ApoolGL, TiltNRoll works now :-) o All BlendModes (transparency effects) are implemented so W3D_SetBlendMode() is now 100% emulated so better transparency emulation for GLeXcess,GlTron... o Option "Directly draw in Bitmap" (default) supports now 15/16/24/32bits modes
Beta 45.6 (only AROS & AmiKit release) o a fatal bug from version 45.5 fixed for AROS (SC=NULL) o recompiled for 68020/68040 68881 for AmiKit
Beta 45.5 (not released) o GLeXcess for OS3 works almost perfectly :-) (some new BlendModes implemented )
Beta 45 o Zbuffer 100% emulated : (All Zbuffer functions & all ZCompareModes are implemented) (So can do multipass texturing: BlitzQuake looks much better now with lightmaps. MesaDemo's UnderWater works now) o Support big texture sizes > 256x256 (GnuJump use 1024x1024 ones) o Window resize works perfectly in any case o Misc: MesaDemo's texcyl bug fixed. TexEnvMode/BlendMode cleanup and better emulation. Skulpt works again. FPS display fixed Beta 44 o New Option "Simu Perspective" that use two quadratic-aproximations per raster to simulate the texturing in perspective o So some Games/Demos using perspective works now perfectly (GLtron, Warp3D's Engine,etc..) o Option "Directly draw in Bitmap" supports now ARGB/RGBA/BGRA o GnuJump(SDLJump) & BeastieWorker games & the StormMesa demo GLflare works now o Various hits and StormMesa bugs have been fixed (Many thanks to Kas1e, Bernd Roesch, Matthey, Wawa for their bugs-reports) o Some bugs concerning the current TexMode&ColorMode relative to W3D_SetState have been fixed too (Many thanks to Kas1e) o Zbuffer and Fog use float now o Debugger new options: Debug Adresses (memory adresses for all Warp3D's functions) Debug as JSR (display calls to Warp3D as an assembly JSR) Step DrawPoly (Step after each polygon drawn) StepFunction50 (Step after each 50 Warp3D functions calls)
Beta 41 o Mainly BlitzQuake enhancements (light glows, menus) o Additive blending. It fully emulate W3D_SetBlendMode(context,W3D_ONE,W3D_ONE) o "Directly draw in Bitmap" works better . Use it now for a better StormMesa emulation on a 32 bits screen (window-resizing works now). o GlTron works now but distorted. o "Smooth Textures" works well now o Smarter coloring (never do a stupid flat modulate with white, do gouraud only if color truly change) : Faster for simple coloring, fadein/out, etc... o Default texenvmode is now W3D_MODULATE (OpenGL compliant) o Less texture distorsion (but still distorted) o Two new options are implemented "Do MipMaps" & "True Perspective" but they dont works :-( o Skulpt no more works :-(
Beta 40 o Quake now WORKS :-) (BlitzQuake from Aminet) o Fix a bug related to MiniGL implementation of DrawArray/DrawElements (D3GNOP,Quake,...) o TexEnvMode full implementation (W3D_REPLACE/W3D_MODULATE/W3D_DECAL/W3D_BLEND) o New Options "Use Coloring GL" "Use Ratio Alpha" "Use AlphaMin&Max" "Debug Tex Number" "Use Quake Patch" o Fog seems to works now
Beta 39 o New option "Directly draw in Bitmap" that can be faster & more compatible in some case o New option "Display FPS" that count the frames per second o New demo-program to use with Wazp3D (StormMesa libraries needed) o The old option "Only Fast RGB24" is changed to "Only TrueColor 24&32" o Full documentation also in french on�ais.htm o French article on Web-magazine "Obligement"
Beta 38 o StormMesa Works :-) (nearly 200 demos works now especially the impressive Atlantis and GlutMech demos) o More compatible : some functions have been seriously debugged & cleaned o New option "Dump Object" to dump all as an .OBJ/.MTL text file o New option "UpdateClearZ" to force a ClearZbuffer at each update (only for Enforce) o New option "Debug Sepia Image" that colorize in red the part that Wazp3D drawn
Beta 37 o Four new games are working now: Alybox, D3gnop, Sopoblock,YAPMG :-) o New option "Reload Textures" to load a new texture set (to change ugly originals textures) o Library also builded without debugger (smaller version) o New option "Hack ARGB" to convert directly ARGB textures data to RGBA (for Tamar 3D) = economize memory o Obsolete option "Clamp UV[0.0 1.0]" is removed (textures are allways W3D_REPEAT)
Beta 36 o Nicer & a few faster with some new optimised pixels functions o Texture-repeat works (Bzone) o Smooth Textures options o More compatible : Fog or coloring works now on partially transparent faces (like trees in Tamar 3D) = new pixels functions o Fog works better (not perfect yet) o New options "Use ClearImage" & "Update At UnlockHardware " to enhance update for some programs like gears(screen),Engine, sKulpt or TheVague.
Beta 35 o Code clean-up and library enhancements from Gunther Nikl o "Hack1 tex RGBA" works again (draw a textured-triangle as a Gouraud untextured one = faster) o "Hack2 tex RGBA" works again (draw a textured-triangle as a Flat untextured one = faster)
Beta 34 o Brand new pixels functions that allow to render lighted textures :-) so looks now very nice o Corrected a very bad bug concerning pixels-buffering. o New Bug has appeared :-/ so 4D-clock & other StormMesa stuffs now crash... o Library is smaller :-)
Beta 33 o Full Documentation at o Corrected a very bad bug introduced in beta 32 concerning memory freeing (beta 32 line 644) o Corrected a very bad bug in W3D_UpdateTexSubImage o AROS port from Matthias Rustler o Various pointer==NULL bugs corrected by Matthias Rustler o ClampUV (if disabled allow texture_repeat) o Perspective correction (disabling) o Zbuffer enhanced = ReadZSpan/WriteZSpan/etc... o Code CleanUp (no more ULONG used as pointers to texture) o Bug fix in GetDriverTexFmtInfo : now if use UseAnyTexFmt is ON then return supported o More compatible with new 3Dprogs (BattleZone,Lamintro,4D-Clock,StormMesa examples, etc) o Support rectangular textures o Bug fix in Alpha blending on 32 bits texture but no zbuffer
Beta 32 o No more warnings when recompiling o Perspective correction (cant be disabled) o 3D-Clipper works o Less bugs (even some few fatals one) o Fog works (not perfect) o First Culling (CCW/CW face order) implementation (still bugged) o "Hack1 tex RGBA" works (draw a textured-triangle as a Gouraud untextured one = faster) o "Hack2 tex RGBA" works (draw a textured-triangle as a Flat untextured one = faster) o "AntiAlias Screen" new & works (3x3 median per pixel) (slow) o Library is smaller :-) o More compatible with new 3Dprogs
Beta 31 (first public one) o New tracked memory allocation o Project's name changed to "Wazp3D"
KNOWN BUGS A lots of works has been done to remove Wazp3D bugs Now more than 300 programs works well with Wazp3D But there are still some bugs...
BlitzQuake: quake patch = menu not transparents (texture1 & texture9 to 32) Mesa Demos: Demos that use W3D_updatetexture() sometime crash Tamar3D: dragon gold = All Fogs are false WazpTest: Fog is false (opengl fog use a standard z (=1/w)) (start 4.0 end 1.33 density 0.949999 GL=0.25 0.75) WarpTest: Fog is false (use curious fog_end w=0.20 -> 1/w=z=5.0???) (start 1.0 end 0.20) TheGoonies: use too much memory & crash 4Dtris: dont display well (zbuffer related) Mesa demo spheremap & Quake: polygon's edges dont ovelarp LamIntro: crash at close TiltnRollDemo: crash at close GlMatrix: This program use a bad blending mode => use glmatrix patch soft3d.dll: Fog exp/exp2 dont works with the dll soft3d.dll: If several programs then crash at exit
IMPORTANT Wazp3D is not perfect but it was good enough for me :-) This Wazp3D binary is intended to be used within a very fast 68040 AmigaOS (= UAE emulator with JIT like WinUAE) This Wazp3D binary is compiled for 68020/40-68881 (adjust your WinUAE settings) Also need "full screen RTG" & JIT both to be activated to obtain enough speed (also need picasso 96/cybergraphics and a 32 bits screen) Wazp3D is NOT an UAE hack and so (should) not depend on a particular UAE version But it only need much speed for his software rendering Some 3Dprogs need a big stack to be able to run without crash (glsokoban,etc...)
IMPLEMENTED FEATURES Texturing Zbuffer (all modes) Gouraud shading Alpha blending (all modes) Color blending (all modes) All Fogs All primitives All vertex formats,etc...
UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURES Stencil masking Color masking Alpha masking Stippling Mipmapping (badly implemented) Filtering, etc...
TESTED AND WORKING SOFTWARES see full documentation at