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Description:All Libraries SDL2 with all SDK files for MorphOS.
Developer/Porter:Itix, BeWorld and Szilárd Biró
SDL2 Libraries Package for MorphOS system.
SDL2.LIBRARY 53.2 12.12.2020 based on SDL 2.0.12.
SDL2_IMAGE.LIBRARY 53.1 11.08.2020 based on SDL2_IMAGE 2.0.6 (pre-release).
SDL2_MIXER.LIBRARY 53.2 11.08.2020 based on SDL2_MIXER 2.0.4.
SDL2_GFX.LIBRARY 53.1 11.08.2020 based on SDL2_GFX 1.0.4.
SDL2_TTF.LIBRARY 53.1 11.08.2020 based on SDL2_TTF 2.0.15.
SDL2_NET.LIBRARY 53.1 11.08.2020 based on SDL2_NET 2.0.1.

SDL2 Features :

- Limitation : Software Renderer ONLY
- Window OpenGL support ! (Use by ScummVM port)
- Joystick support with sensors.library (first version)
- News functions and fixes : see details on commits https://github.com/BSzili/SDL/commits/mos-sdl2

GameController Readme :

You can create your own mapping file for joystick (gamecontrollerdb.txt) : check directory controllermap
Specific to MorphOS, you can put this file in your ENVARC. All game could use it ! no need to put this file in game directory.

A MorphOS community sourced database of game controller mappings to be used with SDL2 Game Controller functionality
is avaiblable here : https://github.com/BeWorld2018/gamecontrollerdb.txt
Do not hesitate to participate and send me your result to complete the database. Thanks !

SDL2_Mixer features :

- Compiled with libflac 1.3.3, libmpg123 1.26.1 and mikmod 3.3.11
- Use Vorbisfile.library system
- Timidity support (https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/timidity/timidity.tar.gz) everything is included in the installer.

SDL2_ttf features :

- Compiled with freetype 2.10.1

SDL2_image features :

- Support all formats

Fix Installer

SDL2 : fix thread with relative paths (discover with ScummVM cloud features)

SDL2 : add Drag and Drop support (ScummVM or MilkyTracker SDL2 for example use it)
Fix somes little bugs
Add issues tracker here : https://github.com/BSzili/SDL/issues
Included timidity files in the installer

SDL2_net, SDL2_gfx, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_image : GCC9 building, code optimization, fix minors bugs
SDL2_image : add WEBP support (libWEBP 0.3.0)
add more binaries files in SDK/bin: showimage (SDL2_image), playmus and playwave (SDL2_mixer), showfont (SDL2_ttf) and test_server/test_client (SDL2_net)
add gamecontroller.txt file in installer

SDL2_mixer : downgrade to version 2.04 : wav bug detect on last unrelease version, fix mikmod...

SDL2_mixer : update SDL2_mixer to last GIT version 2.0.5 and switch to mikmod, add playmus program to test all format

SDL2 : fix mouse button bug, add battery and add experimental rumble

SDL2_MIXER: fix bug with libmp123
SDL2 : add support 4 axes for 3DStick and bug fix. Add testjoystick and testgamecontroller programs.

SDL2: Add load ENV:gamecontrollerdb.txt, bug fix with OpenTTD (game pause) : fix clapping on update surface.

SDL2 : Add Init system cursor, add AMIGA_GetDoubleClickYimeInMillis (find mouse doubleclick's delay from MorphOS Prefs), add first version that use sensors.library for controllers.
SDL2_mixer : fix bug (thanks to Korni to report it)

SDL2 : fix bug (crash OpenTTD)
SDL2_mixer : come bak to libmodplug system

25.04.2020 : (SDL2) Compiled with GCC9, implement functions SDL_SetWindowResizable, SDL_SetWindowOpacity
(SDL2_mixer) compiled with GCC9, update libflac 1.3.3
19.04.2020 : Fix 2 bugs in SDL2 (SDL_ShowMessageBox and SDL_SetWindowSize), fix installer copy and flushlib one file by one.
12.04.2020 : Fix somes bugs
11.04.2020 : Fix SDL2 opengl bug, update SDL2 to 2.0.12, add all SDK files for developers
06.04.2020 : Add SDL2_Net SDL2_gfx, SDL2_ttf, Update SDL2_image to 2.0.6, fix bug on SDL2
04.04.2020 : Fix bug on SDL2_mixer (loading timidity), update libmodplug and delete libmikmod
03.04.2020 : SDL2_mixer 2.04 library are now included
31.03.2020 : First public version SDL 2.0.11 and SDL2_Image 2.0.5


- OpenGL renderer :
- Sensors.lib : add Notifications support (gamepad) (better sensors lib) - (Thanks to jacadcaps to write gamepadlib/sensors lib)


- SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom is buggy

SDL2 : use to signal a new bugs : https://github.com/BSzili/SDL/issues


Thanks to Ilkka Lehtoranta for his sources code (SDL2 2.03 and SDL2_image 2.0.0).
Thanks to Szilard Biro (BSzili) for his help and his big contribution.
Thanks to MorphOS Teams for the help and MorphOS ;-).

SDL2 sources are available on https://github.com/BSzili/SDL/tree/mos-2.0.12
SDL2_image sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL-mos-sdl2_image
SDL2_mixer sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL-mos-sdl2_mixer
SDL2_gfx sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL-mos-sdl2_gfx
SDL2_net sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL-mos-sdl2_net
SDL2_ttf sources are available on https://github.com/BSzili/SDL_ttf

Feel free to contribute.

Upload Date:Feb 17 2021
Size:16 MB
Last Comments
17 Feb 2021
This is SDL 2.0.12 with installer fix.