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Description:An Open Source ODBC sub-system, WIP
Developer/Porter:Stefan Haubenthal
Short: An Open Source ODBC sub-system, WIP
Author: nick@lurcher.org (Nick Gorham)
Uploader: polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Type: biz/dbase
Version: 2.3.9
Requires: ODBC driver
Architecture: ppc-morphos
URL: http://www.unixodbc.org

* unixODBC - isql and iusql *
* Syntax *
* *
* isql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options] *
* *
* iusql DSN [UID [PWD]] [options] *
* *
* Options *
* *
* -b batch.(no prompting etc) *
* -dx delimit columns with x *
* -x0xXX delimit columns with XX, where *
* x is in hex, ie 0x09 is tab *
* -w wrap results in an HTML table *
* -c column names on first row. *
* (only used when -d) *
* -mn limit column display width to n *
* -v verbose. *
* -lx set locale to x *
* -q wrap char fields in dquotes *
* -3 Use ODBC 3 calls *
* -n Use new line processing *
* -e Use SQLExecDirect not Prepare *
* -k Use SQLDriverConnect *
* -L Length of col display (def:300) *
* --version version *
* *
* Commands *
* *
* help - list tables *
* help table - list columns in table *
* help help - list all help options *
* *
* Examples *
* *
* iusql -v WebDB MyID MyPWD -w < My.sql *
* *
* Each line in My.sql must contain *
* exactly 1 SQL command except for the *
* last line which must be blank (unless *
* -n option specified). *
* *
* Datasources, drivers, etc: *
* *
* See "man 1 isql" *
* *
* Please visit; *
* *
* http://www.unixodbc.org *
* nick@lurcher.org *
* pharvey@codebydesign.com *

Upload Date:Apr 28 2021
Size:2 MB
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