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Description:Hurrican is a great openGL remake of well known Turrican 2 Game done.
Amiga French team 2012
Initial port MORPHOS: by SixK
AmigaOS4 port: by HunoPPC Nouvel Hugues
Version (AmigaOS4 and MORPHOS version).

Hurrican is a great openGL remake of well known Turrican 2 Game done.

* Version MORPHOS (First release by SixK):
- Hits happens when 1rst Boss arrive (don't run important things before playing this game, machine may crash !!!)
- Game not tested afer 1rst level - anything can happen then...
- Debug/sanitizes before endian corrections not removed from sources (I may make a cleaner port someday, but currently I'm tired and I have more important things to do)
- Need to merge Big Endian modifications to official source code (Yes, I know I should do that or I'll wait for someone to do it for me)

To play in Window Mode : hurrican
To play in fullscreen : hurrican --fullscreen

* Version MORPHOS/AOS4 (Second release by HunoPPC):
- Icons by TommySammy
- Adding full music support
- New commandlines system
- Adding music gameover and fix timer
- Adding libHunoJoyWrapper for support joystick on 1 PLAYER mode
- Full language support
- HQ graphics activated now
- Fix Hits happens when 1rst Boss arrive
- Fix "Machine Monotony.it" music on "tutorial.map" with "Machine_Monotony.it" (no space)
- Fix bug on sprites loader
- Fix bug on loading levels overlays
- Adding a new logo hurrican for amiga machine on menu

* Version MORPHOS/AOS4 (Third release by HunoPPC):
- New icons for levels by TommySammy
- Adding a new commandlines for levelsPacks:
* --chjees
* --genocide
* --secondempire
* --secretplanet
* --valentine
* --volcanotemple
* --walkersworld
- Adding all levelsPacks and fix for working on AMIGA system
- Adding a new commandline for loading individual level:
* --level [.map]

NEW CommandLines:

>>incorporate on Version<<
To play in Window Mode : hurrican
To play in fullscreen : hurrican --fullscreen
To play with HunoJoyWrapper (support joystick) "IMPORTANT" simple for 1 PLAYER : hurrican --libhjw
To play with french language : hurrican --french
To play with english language : hurrican --english
To play with deutsch language : hurrican --deutsch
To play with spanish language : hurrican --spanish
To play with italian language : hurrican --italian
To play with polski language : hurrican --polski
To play with portugues language : hurrican --portugues
To play with svenska language : hurrican --svenska

>>incorporate on Version<<
To load levelPack named "ChJees": hurrican --chjees
To load levelPack named "Genocide": hurrican --genocide
To load levelPack named "Second_Empire": hurrican --secondempire
To load levelPack named "SecretPlanet": hurrican --secretplanet
To load levelPack named "valentine": hurrican --valentine
To load levelPack named "Volcano_Temple": hurrican --volcanotemple
To load levelPack named "Walkers_World": hurrican --walkersworld
To load your preferred level [.map], exemple : hurrican --level elevator.map

* Version MORPHOS (Second release by SixK based on V1.0.0.6 from Huno):
- No more Hits when 1rst Boss arrive (Fixed By HunoPPC)
- Game tested up to 2nd level - automatic savegame at 1st stage tested working
- Debug/sanitizes before endian corrections still not removed from sources (Yes, I suxx ! Sorry)
- Need to merge Big Endian and Huno's modifications to official source code (Hurrican Sourceforge Admin contacted, I may be added as developper on the project - or not... )
- All Huno's improvements available (Great Job Huno, Really !)
- Fixed keyboard and joystick handling

Don't hesitate to play tutorial to remember special moves if you have fogotten them...

Official Site :

Official Sources :

SixK for MORPHOS version
HunoPPC for AmigaOS4 version and all things you have read above
Thomas Blatt "tommysammy" for a beautiful icon Folder
My Wife "Claire" and children "Matthis and Sorhenn" to me allow time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment - For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
My French betaTester (LIO and KL)
and the AMIGA community

Bugreports for AmigaOS 4x at
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues

Upload Date:Jul 29 2016
Size:130 MB
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