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Description:A script to control many media players by jPV^RNO.
Short: Script to control many media players
Uploader: jpv@morphos-user.com (jPV^RNO)
Author: jPV^RNO
Type: mus/play
Version: 1.4
Architecture: generic


Control the most common audio/media players with one script on MorphOS.
You can assign this script to keyboard shortcuts, multimedia keys, remote
control's buttons etc with MMKeyboard for example. Or use your imagination
for something else (make control buttons to Ambient's Panel, get commands
from remote machine with telnet etc).

Supported players: MPlayer, Jukebox, AmiNetRadio, AMPlifier, SongPlayer,
AmigaAMP, DeliTracker, XBMC (remote), WebRadio, RNORadio, DAPlayer, RNOTunes.

XBMC support relies on JSON-RPC API version 6 (XBMC 12, Frodo) or later.
Many commands won't work on systems with an older API. I might think about
adding support for the older API too, if there will be enough requests.
XBMC support was tested with OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi.

Lua and ARexx versions included.

*NOTE* the ARexx version is now obsolete and isn't maintained anymore.
Use the Lua version.


1) Copy multimeedio.lua to SYS:S/ (or to any other location you want)
2) Edit player_exe and player_arg lines if needed


1) Edit xbmc line(s) on the script. Normally it's enough just to have xbmc_ip
configured to your XBMC device's IP address
2) Enable "Allow programs on this system to control XBMC" and
"Allow programs on other systems to control XBMC" from Service settings
on XBMC itself
3) Enable TCP: device on your system. You can mount it on S:user-startup or
mount it from the requester which is shown if you run the script without
mounted TCP: device.


LuaX multimeedio.lua <Play|Next|Prev|Stop|Pause|Random|Mute|VolUp|VolDown|

Glob#? options will change global volume in MorphOS. Other options control
individual programs.

If no player is found STOP starts the default player. Any other command
will start the default player with a custom option (like adding a dir to
the player).


Please visit https://jpv.amigaaa.com/ for more scripts & software.


1.0 - Public version.
1.1 - Added support for remote XBMC based systems.
1.2 - Fixed XBMC support for MorphOS 3.6 and later. Please update now.
1.3 - Added support for WebRadio (thanks Thomas), RNORadio, and DAPlayer.
Added own mute solution for players that don't have a mute option.
Cleaned up some code and formatting. ARexx version is considered as
obsolete and wasn't updated.
1.4 - Added support for RNOTunes

Upload Date:Nov 21 2022
Size:31 KB
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