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Description:Hollywood Player is a program which can run applets created by the full version of Hollywood.
Developer/Porter:Andreas Falkenhahn
Short: Player for Hollywood applets
Author: andreas@airsoftsoftwair.de (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Uploader: andreas airsoftsoftwair de (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Type: dev/hwood
Version: 10.0
Architecture: m68k-amigaos;ppc-amigaos;ppc-morphos;i386-aros

The Hollywood Player is a program which can run applets created by the full
version of Hollywood. Applets are compiled Hollywood scripts and can contain
data sections as well. The advantage of the Hollywood Player is that people
who want to publish their own projects can now simply save them as Hollywood
applets, and these applets can then be started on every platform that the
Hollywood Player supports. Previously, Hollywood projects often came in the
form of many binaries for each of the various platforms supported by
Hollywood which made many distributions rather large. With the Hollywood
Player, there is no need to include several executables any longer - just put
the applet into your distribution archive and tell the user to install the
respective Hollywood Player for his platform!

Upload Date:Mar 13 2023
Size:10 MB
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