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Description:The Maestrix 2: Reloaded on PowerPC!
Developer/Porter:Damien Stewart
Short: The Maestrix 2: Reloaded on PowerPC!
Author: Damien Stewart
Uploader: hypexed yahoo com au
Type: driver/audio
Version: 2.1
Architecture: m68k-amigaos; ppc-amigaos; ppc-morphos

Presenting The Maestrix 2: Reloaded

The Maestrix Reloaded on PowerPC! A PowerPC native version of The Maestrix.
For both AmigaOS4 and MorphOS.

Describing The Maestrix:

A MaestroPro Maestix driver simulator that redirects audio to AHI to allow
applications with MaestroPro support to work over AHI.

New features in version 2.1 release of The Maestrix: Reloaded

* Includes The Maestrix Tester! This will test that the library is working and
can play a sound.

* Updated OctaMEDIC. Coming again to the rescue for MorphOS to heal OctaMED.
Now clock works and copyright requesters are disabled.

* Support for extended dual stereo audio streams.

* Fixed bug where an oversized input buffer in buffers mode resulted in
playback length being cut short.

* Version 41 API support.

The back story:

What is The Maestrix?

Enter a world. A world full of sight, sound and structure. A world, streaming
along, running on the curves and lines that exist manefested in it's own linear
space. A world, opening up new possibilites, allowing desires to be met,
creativity to be processed. Enter a world, that moves up, down and across on
the grid that forms it's universe. Enter a world. Enter The Maestrix.

Enter The Maestrix. The Maestix: Reloaded.

Based on Richard K�rber's work, The Maestrix emulates the functionality of his
Maestix MaestroPro API library, but instead works through AHI. Now any tools
you have which can play using the maestix.library can now be directed through
AHI. As an example of the possibilites, SoundStudio can use this library, so
now you can use SoundStudio to play multi-track 16-bit modules through AHI!
Yes, now all AmigaOS4 and MorphOS users can play with SoundStudio once
again, and catch up from where you left off without the need to wait for a PPC
native version. It also works with standard 4 tracker modules as well, so you
don't have to worry about not having CIA timers, Paula hardware, or how
SoundStudio doesn't directly support AHI. Now it can!

Upload Date:Mar 19 2023
Size:1 MB
Last Comments
14 Mar 2024
une library existait avec est elle devenue inutile ou unique maestropro?
dommage que le hack ne fonctionne pas avec webradio dont ahi semble poser probleme
apparait il dans easyinstall car je ne l'ai pas trouvé
27 Mar 2023
Maestro was a sound card, right? So does this tool emulate a Maestro soudn card and then lets music programs use this virtual sound card to create music titles? Is it only useful for Octamed ot also other software?
19 Mar 2023
Quel hack, j'adore !!