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Description:A video game about general knowledge by Boing Attitude.
Developer/Porter:Boing Attitude
Ask Me Up XXL is a video game about general knowledge. The principle is quite simple: 1 question, 4 possible answers ... Choose the right one! You know all celebrities' secrets? You can easily put a city on a map. You know who is the first white sprinter to have officially run 100m in under 10 seconds? Or you have no idea about it? In all cases, our quiz is for you and you will learn while having fun! Play alone or with others, share your high scores with your friends, check your statistics to analyze progress ... All this is possible!

Here is a demo version to try the game.
Buy Ask Me Up XXL on http://glames.online.fr//products/askmeup_xxl.html

What's new:
- Questions / Now 100 questions available (previously 80)
- Game / "Quiz" mode added.
- Game / "Survival" mode added.
- Game / Previous "Quiz" mode renamed to "Studies".
- General / Initial ratio of logo, buttons, avatars and photos is now respected, whatever the resolution.
- Menu / (Scores) button added to view the scores online.
- End / <Back< button added.
- End / (Scores) button added to view or share scores.
- End / If you click the >Next> button, you start a game without going back through the menu.
- Map / Studies / It is displayed only at the first game and when new questions are unlocked.
- Scores / If only one player has been created, his/her detailed statistics are displayed directly.
- Online scores / You can now share your scores online.
- Online scores / Two new rankings ("Quiz" and "Survival").
- Location / If Catalan is used, Spanish is displayed by default instead of English.
Upload Date:Nov 22 2019
Size:21 MB
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