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Description:A module player by Jörg.
Developer/Porter:Jörg Renkert
As the Name already implies, ModExplorer was made to explore the world of music modules.
Therefore, the philosophy behind ModExplorer is not to be just another audioplayer, to listen to your musicarchives. There are really enough tools for this purpuse, and they do their job very well!
ModExplorer goes a step beyond and provides you with mods, you've never heard before. To do so, ModExplorer downloads modules from the web randomly and plays them for you. Also these mods won't be saved permanently. ModExplorer will create a playlist instead, which contains internetlinks to those musikfiles. So You can replay them lateron.

ModExplorer is completely based on PHP- and SQL-technology. This means, that all functions get their informations from a german host-server.

The advantages are:
The search-function is done by the server. Older versions took about 30 secs on slower systems. Now you'll get the results at your finger tip!

Due to the SQL-Database, the search function is no more limited to the song-/artistname. You can also search for genre or filter the releasedate or rating.
You can even search inside the instrumentlists. As many artists put interesting informations into this list, this function goes far beyond other search engines.

The SQL-database includes functions to catalog the songs. So you may enter the genre of a song and its release year. Even comments can be given to single mods. So future searching will get much easier.

You even might rate the modules or give them a thump up, to share the best mods with the community.
Furthermore, you can now create as many playlist as you want. Even uploading them is possible. Conversely of course, you can also download playlists which where uploaded from other users.

The GUI of ModExplorer uses MUI, which adapts perfectly to your desktop environment.
It was designed to meet the needs of the users. So, for example you can individually hide different parts of the GUI to get your best exploring-experience.

Further functions of ModExplorer for example is an extensive ARexx-Port, which lets you control ModExplorer throughout other tools.

This version is well tested and should run stable on most Amiga systems.
Most needed parts are included into the executable. Plugins and AISS-imges aren't loaded externally. Just some MUI-Classes (thebar.mcc and texteditor.mcc) might need an updated.

New features in this version:

V3.8 brings you some more mod-feelings with its visual plugin!
View the modules the protracker way, with patterns and equis!

Nothing to do while listening the modules??
Why not try a little trailblazer game?? It's included inside ModExplorer!

ModExplorer can be controlled by Joystick now.
Many functions can be set individually. Up to 4 buttons are supported, each can be used with all directions. So use your (wireless) game controller as remote control for ModExplorer

And of course, again some bugfixing done.

This version includes (AFAIR) all feature requests of ModExplorer's users and myself.
That's why this will be the final version of ModExplorers. Bugfixing will be done offcourse.
But that doesn't mean, that development of ModExplorer will stop now!

As some of ModExplorers functions overload Classic Amigas, a specialized version of ModExplorer for Classics is planned. And that's just one of my ideas :)
So check back soon!
I wish you much fun while exploring the world of modules!

Best regards

V3.22 just got some small bugfixes: Sometimes Mods were not opened on startup and you got a systemrequester "File not found". Fixed... ModeExplorer now asks you to update your locales, when new ones exist.

I wish you much fun while exploring the world of modules!

Best regards
Upload Date:May 26 2023
Size:2 MB
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