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Description:Adventure point and click with a story based in the classic movies of Films Noir or Cine Negro genre
Developer/Porter:J.C. Herran Martin

Title: El Asesino Que Nadie Escucho Ep. 1(EAQNE)
Version: 2.00
Kind: Adventure Point and Click
Plataform: MorphOS
Requeriments: charsets.library and reqtools.library
Hollywood plugin: oggvorbis, avcodec
Game for: Mind and body adults
Adventure point and click with the classic photo novel,
roman-photo, fotonovelas, fotoromanzo, fotoroman style.
With a story based in the classic movies of Films Noir
or Cine Negro genre, with detectives, crimes, femme
fatale and a lot of suspense.

This is the third adventure with a comic book style,
it closes the trilogy of adventure games point and
click with real chararapters and backgrounds and this

This is game is divide in five chapters, this version
has the 1, I am working in the others, step to step.

Also the game engine cans to be a good base for
professional development of tools like a virtual farm,
a virtual city or town guide visit, a virtual zoo, etc.

To give ideas, suggestions or say if you like the idea
of the game, contact me by e-mail:

Available in the next languages:
Spanish. English. Polish. Italian. German. French.

- 2.00:
1. Improvement the game enviroment to place in
the 60s-70s avoing the slideshow effect and
and getting better the game story.
2. Compiled with Hollywood 10.0.
3. Other little improvements.

- 1.00:
1. Initial realesed.

Upload Date:Jun 23 2023
Size:18 MB
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