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Description:The first YouTube Client for m68k Amiga and MorphOS
Developer/Porter:Marcus Sackrow

AmiTube is a YouTube Client for m68k Amiga. That means searching and
watching YouTube videos on a classic Amiga is possible now. To make this
possible the video it will be converted on a Server to CDXL or MPEG1
and downloaded to the Amiga Hard disk, where it can be watched with any
eligible player (by default MultiView).


Amiga68k Versions:
- 68020, 8MB RAM, OS 3.x, MUI 3.8+, Internet connection
- 68000, 8MB RAM, OS 3.x, MUI 3.8+, Internet connection

MorphOS and AmigaOS4 users should use 68020 version.

AROS Versions:
- i386 ABIv0, 8 MB RAM, Internet connection
- ARM RasPi+ 8 MB RAM, Internet connection
- x64 ABIv11 8 MB RAM, Internet connection

- JPEG Datatype to show the preview icons
- CDXL Player to play CDXL movies
e.g. AGABlaster https://mschordan.github.io/amiga/agablaster.html
- MPEG1 Player to play MPEG1 movies
e.g. RiVa http://aminet.net/gfx/show/RiVA-0.54.lha
- WGet to download original formats directly from YouTube
e.g. https://sourceforge.net/projects/amiga/files/wget/1.12/
- MPlayer to stream directly from YouTube


To install AmiTube drag the Folder to the favourite position on the hard
drive. After first start one should first go to the @{"Prefs" LINK PrefsWindow}
to set some basic settings, especially the prefered video format should
be set depending on the used machine and presonal preference.

Available ToolTypes:

Sets the position of the movie folder, hence where AmiTube saves and
searches for CDXL and MPEG1 videos.
Saves the downloaded MPEG1 and CDXL videos to dh1:movies

It is possible to setup a @{" own conversation server for AmiTube " LINK AmiTubeServer}.
To set the URL for that server use this tool type
Uses the given server instead of ALBs Server


About AmiTube...
About dialog with some informations about the program and its maker

Check for Updates...
Check the Server for an updated Version of AmiTube, if available
AmiTube can directly download the newest archive to a chosen

About MUI...
About dialog with informations about MUI and its maker


Thanks to all users and beta testers.

Some special thanks and greetings go to

For initial idea and stead encouragement
Michal Bergseth (http://www.amitopia.com)

For the translations:
Eric 'Tarzin' Luczyszyn (french)
Michal Bergseth (norwegian)
Samir Hawamdeh (italian)
Lukas 'Ponki' Paczko (Polish, ISO 8859-2)
Ramond de Vrede (dutch)

For the Icons in Icons directory:
Lukas 'Ponki' Paczko
Carlo 'AmigaSystem'

For AGAConv and AGABlaster
Markus Schordan

For Free Pascal on Amiga-Systems
Karoly 'ChainQ' Balogh
Florian Klaempfl


- Bugfix for Get Original Window when no entry is selected
- Search by ID Window added for easier URL handling
- Support for Youtube shorts (movies in portait format)
- show the time left when downloading videos

- fix restoring Splitter postion
- play list bug fixed for MorphOS

- Bugfix for fancy list test printing
- play list with wait screen
- open own directories with movies in play list
- Close Requester
- Restore splitter position on start
- multiple movie directories via icon
- choose default directory via menu

- italian catalog update
- french catalog update
- Encoding bugs fixed
- optional fancy movie list with preview image

- History for search
- AROS64 ABIv11 bit version
- MorphOS Version
- Amiga OS4 Version
- Download more Amiga-like audio only formats: mp3 and 8svx
- dual PNG Icons by AmigaSystem
- Download Queue
- Improved AutoPlay
- AREXX interface
- dutch Translation

- Faster download speed
- bugfix download speed
- bugfix invalid moviedir
- bugfix load icon when a download is running
- bugfix start a download when one is already running
- bugfix clipboard device
- sort results in list by name, duration or size
- choice to ask for a path everytime a conversation job is started,
if canceled the default moviedir is used
- italian and polish translation
- alternative more colorful icons for AmiTube and folder
- AmigaGuide Help

- New CDXL Option 320px and AGA colors
- direct download from youtube without conversation
- select resolution on direct download
- Update checking
- Download latest version
- Question before ddelete movie
- french and norwegian translation

- Preview Icons
- Localization (german included)
- All formats Download buttons on main gui
- Check for Free space on HD, warn before downloading if not enough space
- Icon tooltype MOVIEDIR to set directory for movies
- smaller network buffer for low memory systems

- changed search from json to xml (much faster on slow Amiga)
- new formats (CDXL AGA, MPEG, choose via Settings)
- choose your MPEG1 Player
- About for MUI and program
- Share your favourite movies
- list shared movies
- auto load shared or local movies at startup
- youtube urls can be entered to search bar ("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxxxx" or "https://youtu.be/xxxxx")
- observe clipboard for yoututbe urls, automatically search for them (turn on in prefs)
- Auto start movie after download
- Parameter for CDXL Player and MPEG Player
- special Version for 68000 processor

- converter speed increase (server side, also active for 0.3 already)

- first official release
- download speed increase
- cutting title length
- Show list of already saved movies
- Settings
- number of search results

- bugfixes on converting longer files
- progress bar for download/search
- show time an resulting file size

- Initial Release
Upload Date:Jul 26 2023
Size:455 KB
Last Comments
30 Jul 2024
Further to my last comment, as a result of simplifying the search, a few minutes later, that search completed successfully, and I was able to download a video I was interested in, so what is problematic I do not know, but it seems to be working, at least some of the time, and maybe depends on what search factor you use? ?
30 Jul 2024
Today, when I tried to search for a video on YouTube I got this error message
'SearchThreadError: Host name resolution for "amitube.alb42.de" failed'
So, it seems there is definitely something not working correctly. I have emailed Marcus Sackrow (alb42) about the initial failure to download, but I have not, as yet, had a reply from him about the issue I have reported to him,and on here. :-(
28 Jul 2024
Over the last few days I have been unable to download any videos using AmiTube. The program starts as usual, but when I try to type something into the text input - at the top of the GUI window it allows the first character, but then seems to end any further input, as it seems to mark the text input frame as inactive, but if I left-click into the field it re-activates and I can type the remainder of what I intendeed to type into the frame. However, even after the search starts it never returns any search matches. It just goes back to "idle" so there is never anything to view returned into the program. Has anyone else experienced the same issue, or know of a solution to the problem?