Readme: | short: small CPU monitor (MUI) with freeze/setPri/break/ option author: Thomas Igracki version: 1.19 (09.10.11)
TopCPU / ---------
TopCPU is cpu monitor which displays the top 5 tasks with their cpu usage. Additionally it displays the total system cpu usage.
There is a text field and a gauge for each of the 3 tasks and for the system cpu usage representing the current cpu usage.
There is also a contextmenu for the top tasks "lines" to set the tasks priority to -1, 0, 1 or with a requester, for freezing/activating a task and for breaking a task with ctrl-C,D,E or F.
The window border will be transparent if the window gets inactive! This can also be adjusted so that the window border is always transparent or never.
The window can be a backdrop window.
Its written with MUI, so thanks goes to Stefan Stuntz for this wunderfull heap of bits;-)
Have fun with it, and if you have some ideas/bug reports send it to TopCPU(at)igracki(punkt/dot)de.
=========== = History = =========== 09. October 2011 v1.19 app_mcc.c: Chg: Replaced Urltext.mcc usage with new Hyperlink.mcc Chg: Replaced my own about window with Aboutbox.mcc New: Added the gcc compiler version in the about window
TaskGauge_mcc.c: Fix: Seems so that the "smbfs-fix" from v1.18 didn't worked, although I remember that it worked... Now its working (again;)
30. Juli 2011 v1.18 TaskGauge_mcc.c Fix: If a process' name is something like "smbfs '//LS-CHL2AD/otr/'", TopCPU displayed only a "'" as name!
3. Januar 2010 v1.17 GetTaskName.c Fix: If the string in cli_CommandName is empty, use cli_SetName This fixes the bug that the arexx script Quicksilver has an empty taskname in TopCPU
15. Januar 2007: TaskGauge_mcc.c: new: Added the possibility to hide the gauges, so only the percent-textgadgets are shown [suggested by Korni, 14-Jan-07]
winMain_mcc.c: Chg: Renamed the menu item "Prefs/Only CPU" to "Prefs/Only System" New: New menu item "Prefs/No SystemLoad" New: New menu item "Prefs/No Gauges" [suggested by Korni, 14-Jan-07]
3. Oktober 06: v1.16 grp1Virt_mcc.c: New: The whole group is now a drag gadget, this means you can drag the window from everywhere in the group/window! [Thanks to ultragelb for saying how this works in a mzone thread]
12. August 06: v1.15 New: New custom class to have a virtual group which is only virtual in one direction Fix: If a taskname is too long to be displayed in the TaskGauge, there were some mui hits and the gauge border was overwritten Now I use my modified virtgroup class to workaround this
10. August 06: Chg: Changed the description of TopCPU a little bit [suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
4. August 06: v1.14 New: If Urltext.mcc exists, a clickable url appears in the about window to open TopCPUs homepage in your browser
4. August 06: v1.13 Fix: The window couldn't be placed at the bottom of the screen when the window is opened, because all 5 task gauges are shown inititally and then only the number the user selected. 1. August 06: v1.12 New: Added the possibility to open the window as backdrop and change it on-the-fly I had to change a lot of internal things to achieve this... [suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
30./31. Juli 06: v1.11 Fix: There was one line too much transparent at the top border [reported by Michael R�stad Ilsaas] New: Added a "Border Transparency" prefs menu, to set transparency mode for the window border to "Auto", "On" or "Off" [suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas] Chg: Replaced the MenuActionHook with an own method New: Added a "Hide myself" menuitem to the "Show top x tasks" prefs menu, to toggle the visibility of TopCPUs own task in charts [suggested by Michael R�stad Ilsaas] New: Added MUIM_Import/Export methods so various prefs menuitem states will be remembered! Fix: The windows inner spacing couldn't be set with the mui prefs program [reported by Michael R�stad Ilsaas]
30. Juli 06: v1.10 New: Added a "..." menuitem to the "Pri" menu to open a requester, where you can specify a new priority between -127 and +5
18. Jul 06: v1.9 Chg: The tasks "input.device" and "notifyintuition.library" can't be freezed anymore, because if you freeze them, nothings works anymore, maybe I'll add more in the future... New: Added a "Break" menu, to send a CTRL-C/D/E/F to the task
Fix: Omit a frozen task from the charts
10. Jul 06: v1.8 New: Added a window menu for some actions: display an about window, display MUIs about window, quit program and choose how many (1 to 5) top tasks are displayed or if only the cpu gauge should be displayed