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Description:A tool to get infos about a file/dir by Thomas Igracki.
Developer/Porter:Thomas Igracki
short: A tool to get infos about a file/dir
author: Thomas Igracki
version: 1.6
uploader: FileInfo@Igracki.de

A small shell program to retrieve some usefull information about a file or directory.

File : the name of a file or directory whos information are shown
ALL/S : show all available information
N=Name/S : show only the filename w/o the path
FN=FullName/S : the full name
RN=RootName/S : the filename w/o the suffix and w/o the path
RNX=RootNameX/N : the filename w/o X suffixes and w/o the path
FRNX=FullRootNameX/N : the filename w/o X suffixes but with the path
FRN=FullRootName/S : the filename w/o the suffix but with the path
X=Suffix/S : the suffix of the filename
PD=ParentDir/S : return the name of the parent directory
S=Size/S : the size of the file or dir (all files within the dir, recursive!)
SC=SizeC/S : a compact size representation of the file or dir (all files within the dir, recursive!), f.e. 383MB
FC=FileCount/S : the number of files in a directory, returns 1 for files
C=Comment/S : the comment
D=Date/S : the date
T=Time/S : the time
P=ProtBits/S : the protection bits
MP=MatchPattern/K : checks if the specified pattern matches the filename specified by 'File' arguement
: the filename doesn't have to exist. Use NAME to check only the filepart.
: 'Quiet' is also supported
MCS=MatchCaseSens/S : the pattern check will be case sensitive
LF=AppendLF/S : append a linefeed at the end, its automatically used if QUIET is NOT set!
Q=Quiet/S : just show the wanted information, no headers, no linefeeds (see LF=AppendLF/S option)
HELP/S : show this little help page

If you only specify a filename, all available informations are shown!
If you specify no argument, this help is shown.
You can also specify more then one argument, they will be printed line by line.

1.6 (10-Jan-12):
New: Added MP=MatchPattern/K
match the FILE argument with this amiga dos pattern
If the NAME argument is specified, then only the FilePart is checked!
A WARN is returned as returncode if pattern doesn't match, so you can
check if "IF WARN" in a script!
The argument FILE doesn't have to be an existing file, so you can use
this feature to match arbitrary strings!
QUIET is also supported
New: Added MCS=MatchCaseSens/S
the pattern match will be case sensitive

1.5 (24-Nov-11):
New: Added RNX=RootNameX/N the filename w/o X suffixes and w/o the path
f.e. "FileInfo Movie.mpg.avi RNX=2" -> RootName2 : Movie
New: Added FRNX=FullRootNameX/N the filename w/o X suffixes but with the path
f.e. "FileInfo Movie.mpg.avi FRNX 2" -> FullRoot2 : Video:MyMovies/Movie

1.4 (02-Feb-11):
New: Added FC=FileCount/S to show the number of files in a directory
if you specified a file instead of a directory as "File" argument, 1 is returned

1.3 (13-Feb-10):
New: Added FRN=FullRootName/S to show the name w/o the suffix but with the path

1.2 (29-Aug-09):
Chg: "SizeC" for directories isn't recalculated if "SIZE" is also used
Fix: "ParentDir" now does a NameFromLock() before, prev. it took the user's filename
so a "FileInfo FileInfo PD" show a blank string
Chg: Changed N=Name/S to show only the filename w/o the path (with correct spelling!,
f.e. if you type "FileInfo FILEinfO N" -> Filename: FileInfo)
New: Added FN=FullName/S to show the full filename with path
New: Added X=Suffix/S to show the suffix of the file
New: Added RN=RootName/S to show the name w/o the suffix
Chg: Moved the ParentDir line under the Suffix line

Upload Date:Sep 12 2023
Size:55 KB
Last Comments
12 Sep 2023
Old archive corrupted, reuploaded.