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Description:A MorphOS skin for Ambient.
Developer/Porter:Paolo Russo
Short: GGRevenge Black, skin for MorphOS
Author: Jambalah (Paolo Russo) geepney@hotmail.it
Version: 1.0
Date: 25/04/2010
Requires: MorphOS 2.x, enhanced display for transparency effect.

This skin is the black version of Green Glass Revenge!
I know that black colour made most of things much more fascinating (cars, clothes, babes..) and
so, after a passionate request (Sergius, Jegougu, Beworld thanks for your appreciation!!!!) here you are:


Last time I made a little... complicated thing. Sorry!
The folder in wich skin is found is called "GGRevengeBlack": once dearchived the .lha file, this will be the folder
to place in "sys:Prefs/Skins". No extra folder this time: you will find three version of "MenuTitlebar" directly in
the "24" directory plus other two version of this pattern called "MenuTitlebar1152x24.png" and "MenuTitlebar1280x24.png".
The one without extensions is a 1680x24 version. Choose the right one according to your screen configuration and
rename it. You will also find a "MenuBackground02.png" pattern as an alternative to the one used in this skin.
Other patterns are present: "BBack.png" I used for buttons background.
"WindowBackground03.png" and "WindowBackground04.png" I used for configure windows in Ambient prefs.

Skin is always freely usable, modifiable, redistributable.
Heart MorphOS background is amazing realised by Patbest and thus the icons used for hard disk.
You can find this fine artwork on www.meta-morphos.com or www.morphos-files.net.

May the force always be with you!

Upload Date:Jul 23 2012
Size:1 MB
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