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Developer/Porter:Michele Magliocca
I have been using MorphOS for years and I have always noticed that most users of this OS is a bit "lazy" about customization of their systems, at least with regard to the "cosmetic side" of the OS, and observing some screenshots scattered around the net I can see that 90% of users still use (in whole or with very few customizations) the pre-packaged configuration provided with MorphOS Intall CD which in my opinable opinion is horrible. And I do not refer only to the default skin (I never liked Ferox since its first appearance, I do not want to hurt the author), but also the questionable color (as well as stylistic) choices of default MUI Configuration, its Ambient and IContorl default settings (see the icon "My MorphOS" on the desktop, rather than cleaner use of a "double click" on the desktop to open the list of devices or inability to drag windows outside from the screen) ..

For this reason, hoping not to be seen presumptuous I prepared a "ready to use package" for improving appearance and feeling of Ambient / MorphOS ideal for MorphOS new users or those who do not have much desire to loose time to set up this and that. I absolutely do not pretend that my personal choices should delight alll, so take this package simply as my intention to give a sort of small contribution.

The package contains:

- Configuration files for MUI (which I edited and "refined" over the months, if not years ..)
- Configuration files for Ambient, IControl and Lucy
- An enhanced version of the skin ImAZ (I want so say "thank you" to the author to have realized it and to Jambalah to have spent his time to improve it)
- Ambient images (for toolbar and context menus, if I remember correctly they should be Patbest ones)
- Some Patterns and backgrounds to use in conjunction with the config file

The package is in BETA STAGE, for this reason I would like to receive feedbacks from you on how it goes. Where and how you have to copy the various files is really intuitive, watch the directories structure of the unpacked archive and you'll understand. The only suggestion I want to give you is to eventually rename your config files or directories (for example: "AMBIENT.prefs" to "AMBIENT.prefs_") before copying my files so that you do not overwrite your old files that can be recovered in case of problems or simply because you do not like my stylistic choices ..

Please do not kill me if you do not like something or everything or if I did some mistakes in the package, it's my first public "project". Moreover don't blame me if my English is bad, I already know this :-)

(Michele Magliocca)
Upload Date:Jul 23 2012
Size:718 KB
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