Readme: | Short: manage contact and other information Author: (Ulrich Beckers) Uploader: ulrich beckers web de (Ulrich Beckers) Type: util/wb Version: 0.7.6 Architecture: ppc-morphos >= 2.0
This is the latest archive of Perciman. V0.7.6 removed the restricted beta version validity date. All the rest is identical to the already hosted V0.7.5
This is a program for managing contact and other information about people. It offers information as to a person's addresses (private, work, etc.), phone, email and web/social media contact, birthday, image file. People can be marked as friend, relative, business contact, almuni, etc.. It's also possible to filter the list according to these flags.
There is a birthday reminder included (which lists following birthdays and alarms 10 days in advance).
There is also a log file where a person can have additional information entered about a particular date (e.g.: "23.08.2014 married" or "15.04.2010, Master of Science in Physics" or such like), and a free-text field for notes of any kind.
You can add as many people as you want to into a data-set and you can create as many data-sets as you like. For anyone in that data-set you can network them. i.e. who knows whom, relationship (e.g. friend, relative, business contact, unknown, etc.).
*NOTE*: For versions prior to V1.0 some of the program's features are not as of yet fully implemented. .
Requirements: A computer running MorphOS and the Rapa GUI plugin.
Check the website for more info: