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Description:UAE4ALL release candidate 3 by Chui, MorphOS port v0.3.2 by Pedro Gil Guirado (Balrog Software).
Developer/Porter:Pedro Gil Guirado
UAE4ALL release candidate 3 by Chui
MorphOS port v0.32 by Pedro Gil Guirado (Balrog Software)

Finally I got FAME C emulation core working on big endian systems,
the original UAE4all have some compiler directives that makes it
doesn't work on big endian systems when FAME C emulator is enabled,
previously versions of UAE4all was using UAE emulation core, the
new FAME C core should work faster.

I have added a MUI�gui to configure the emulator, you can open it
pressing F11.

You need a kickstart file to get working the emulator with
the name "kick.rom".

Use F11 to open gui during emulation.
Use F12 to enable/disable emulation status bar.
Use PageUp for SuperThrottle mode.

Please send any bug or suggestion to:

balrogsoft at gmail.com
Upload Date:Aug 13 2019
Size:537 KB
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