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Description:All Libraries SDL : SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_net and SDL2_gfx with SDK and extras files for MorphOS 3.17.
SDL2 Libraries 2.26.3 Package for version 3.17 or higher of MorphOS system.

SDL2.LIBRARY 53.10 28.02.2023 based on SDL 2.26.3
SDL2_IMAGE.LIBRARY 53.4 07.01.2023 based on SDL2_IMAGE 2.6.2
SDL2_MIXER.LIBRARY 53.5 07.01.2023 based on SDL2_MIXER 2.6.2
SDL2_TTF.LIBRARY 53.6 07.01.2023 based on SDL2_TTF 2.20.1
SDL2_NET.LIBRARY 53.1 07.01.2023 based on SDL2_NET 2.0.1
SDL2_GFX.LIBRARY 53.1 07.01.2023 based on SDL2_GFX 1.0.4

Simple DirectMedia Layer

What is it?
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL/Direct3D/Metal/Vulkan. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.

SDL 2.0 is distributed under the zlib license. This license allows you to use SDL freely in any software.



MorphOS version 3.17 is required to be installed as a minimum.
You need last tinyGL beta 53.7 (27.12.22) minimun !

Just double-click on the Install icon and read the incremental instructions.

New extensions (ex Shaders) are disabled by default.
You can actived it in menu (Options / HINT RENDER SHADERS / default or enabled)

SDL2 MorphOS Features:

- WARNING: it's recommended that you have a 64/128 MB graphics video (if not, then it is advised that you disable "enhanced display" and reduce your screen resolution of Ambient)
- Window OpenGL support ! (Use with ScummVM, prBoom-plus, FBNeo, Doom3, SM64, OpenBOR, Hurricane, etc. ports)
- Joystick support for sensors.library - Most compatible with the Xbox360 controller (or hardware recognised as that controller type)

SDL2 MorphOS specific:

- SDL_GetBasePath : not return a full absolute path with path separator (/) at end
- Warning using SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP - If you want real fullscreen, use SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN
- SDL_WINDOWHIDDEN is not really support when your create Window, be carefull with that
- Opengl renderer have some limitations related to the tinygl, examples: no overlay (need shaders/FBOs), no direct acces to textures (need FBOs)
SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE not supported by OpenGL renderer driver.

GameController Readme:

You can create your own mapping file for any joystick (gamecontrollerdb.txt) : check directory controller map
Specific to MorphOS, you can put this file in your ENVARC. Then any game can use it! Then there's no need to put this file in indiviual game directories.

A MorphOS community sourced database of game controller mappings can be used that have SDL2 Game Controller functionality,
which is available here : https://github.com/BeWorld2018/gamecontrollerdb.txt

Please don't hesitate to participate in adding to this database, so kindly send me your working mapping(s) to add to our database. Thanks !


Thanks to Ilkka Lehtoranta for his sources code (SDL2 2.0.3 and SDL2_image 2.0.0).
Thanks to Szilard Biro (BSzili) for his help and his major contribution.
Thanks to all members of MorphOS Teams for their patience with me and their indispensable help.
Thanks to all testers and developers (for libs and contributes)

Feel free to contribute.

SDL2: use to signal any new bugs : https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL/issues
SDL2 sources are available on my github: https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL/tree/morphos
SDL2_image sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL_image
SDL2_mixer sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL_mixer
SDL2_gfx sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL_gfx
SDL2_net sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL_net
SDL2_ttf sources are available on https://github.com/BeWorld2018/SDL_ttf


BeWorld @ sfr . fr

Upload Date:Feb 28 2023
Size:17 MB
Last Comments
02 Mar 2023
28 Feb 2023
ah je crois en fait que c'est simplement sdl2.26.3 qui ameliore la vitesse en fait apres test
c'est surtout pour les petites configs qu'on voit la difference je pense
28 Feb 2023
C'est intéressant ce que tu écris, car de mon coté je n'ai jamais remarqué une différente surtout sur la vitesse (avec les shaders) mais bon tant mieux ;-)
28 Feb 2023
ah en fait l'erreur que j'ai faite aussi est que l'option de vsync de sdl2 etait activée sinon avec shader activé les jeux fonctionnent bien plus vite et plus beau graphiquement parlant.
(je me demande aussi si render scaler ameliore aussi le rendu graphique)
28 Feb 2023
Manu, tu as bien activé les shaders via le menu d'une fenetre SDL2 ?

L'activation des shaders via la SDL2 n'accélère en effet rien de particulier... lol
Après ScummVM... cela ne fonctionnera pas car il faut que la tinygl arrive à maturité et Doom3, à première vue pour le moment c'est mort.
De mon coté, j'ai pu activé les shaders sous SuperMario64 mais faut le compiler et il y a prBoomPlus aussi.

Je conseille donc de ne pas activer les shaders sous la SDL2 car pour le moment à part faire des tests, cela n'a aucun intérêt.
28 Feb 2023
une bonne amélioration mais assez ralenti sur les shaders avec une petite config on ne peut pas tout avoir non plus (ex drally)
doom 3 et scumm pas avec les shaders (dommage que l'on peut pas mettre une option pour chaque programme ou peut etre en mettant une option soit sur l'icone ou avec un texte en icon x pour enregistrer l'option de shader ou non)
28 Feb 2023
Warning: You need last TinyGL (https://tinygl.molsen.co.za/)

Attention: vous devez avoir la dernière TinyGL d'installé !